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Martian Joe's: Characters

He was setting up the story of the fight in Martian Joe's — a 'local bar,' of course; nobody ever gets shot or stabbed or slashed or slugged in anything else.
— H. Beam Piper, Four-Day Planet

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al-Faisal, Sabihah: wife of Faisal and Malika of the Hashemite Kingdom of Iraq. [SK]

al-Tay, Kalil: Islamic Caliphate Air Force General, commander of the Al-Borak Research Centre, hosted Tallal ib'n Khalid when he toured the facility. [SK]

Abd-el-Rahman, Ahmed: Arab jeep-driver who had joined [the MacLeod Research Team] in Basra; learned his English from American movies; followed General Nayland's chauffeur into Oppenheimer Village. [Me]

Alan, Lord: Holder of Northport on Gram, pledged to King Angus[SV]

Almagro, Julio: Stellex crewmember. [WC]

Ali: household chauffeur of Nayef ib'n Abdullah; typically drove Tallal ib'n Khalid and Walid from the Cranhurst Academy for visits to the Cheverton Estate. [SK]

Angus, duke of Wardshaven: enemy of Duke Omfray of Glaspyth, later King of Gram[SV]

Ariburun: President of Turkey at outbreak of the Thirty Days' War. [SK]  Khalid ib'n Hussein met with him in Ankara to discuss the conflict in Syria shortly before returning to Basra where he was assassinated. [EK]

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Bari, Shafra: Cranhurst Academy cadet from Yemen who bests Tallal ib'n Khalid in a practice knife fight. [SK]

Barron, Roger: Stellex crewmember; former Venusian politician [WC]

Bathurst, Benjamin: British diplomat, killed while trying to escape custody of the Prussian Ministry of Police in Berlin. [HW]

Belsher, Leo: [FDP]

Bentrick, Prince Simon: Commander of the Victrix [SV]

bint Nayef, Tijan: daughter of Nayef ib'n Abdullah and Mihrimah al-Nayef; betrothed to Tallal ib'n Khalid and evacuated with Tallal and her parents to the Mayflower Redoubt during the Thirty Days' War. [SK]

bint Khalid, Saliha: sister of Tallal ib'n Khalid, evacuated with Tallal to the Mayflower Redoubt during the Thirty Days' War. [SK]

Boyd, Walter: Reporter for the Port Sandor Times on Fenris [FDP]

Brangwyn,Tom (GD; JP): Litchfield town marshall on Poictesme (GD; JP)  Native of Hathor [JP]

Burrik, Nial: Space Viking, captain of the Fortuna, aligned with Andray Dunnan[SV]

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Cecelia, Dame: Wife of Nikkolay Trask. [SV]

Image - Edward Chalmers

Ed Chalmers (from Astounding, May 1957)

Chalmers, Edward "Ed": First Century, A.E., historian who "foresees" the future.[EK]

Chamberlain, Sid [OL]: Trans-Space News Service reporter on the first Terran mission to Mars.

Chandler, Bill [OL]: Zoologist member of the first Terran mission to Mars, collected animal specimens, including a lizard-like mammal and a bird in the Syrtis sea bottom.

Clifford, Charles "Charley": Stellex crewmember; medical doctor [WC]

Cutter: First Century, A.E., Army major, Central Intelligence, sent to investigate Edward Chalmers's visions of the future; aware of U.S. plans to form Terran Federation should United Nations fail; apparently aware of Operation Triple Cross. [EK]

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Dacre (younger): student in Edward Chalmers' Modern History IV class. [EK]

Dacre, James: First Century, A.E., Blanley College trustee; father of student in Edward Chalmers's Modern History IV class. [EK]

Image - Martha Dane

Martha Dane (from Astounding, February 1957)

Dane, Martha: One of three archaelolgists on the first Terran mission to Mars; translated the first Martian language.[OL]  (The character is mentioned in The Battle of the Sexes in Science Fiction by Justine Larbalestier.)

Davock, Slyvia: Stellex crewmember [WC]

Dandrik, Nelse [MD]: physics professor at the University of Asgard on Odin; opposed the discovery that micropositos seemed to be traveling back in time.

Dawes, Lester: Litchfiel banker.[JP]  (This character is named Piet Dawes in Junkyard Planet.)

Dawes, Piet: Litchfield banker [GD]  (This character is named Lester Dawes in "Graveyard of Dreams.")

Dero: one of the former Federation contragravity gun-boats recovered on Poictesme and renamed "for capital ships of the old System States Navy" by Klem Zareff. (A "dero" is fantastical subterranean creature made popular by science-fiction writer Richard S. Shaver.)[JP]

de Ruyter, Adriaan: Stellex crewmember [WC]

Donahoe: instructor sergeant at Cranhurst Academy who oversaw the practice knife fight between Tallal ib'n Khalid and Shafra Bari. [SK]

Dorflay, Harv [MD]: aged Captain-General of the Imperial Household Guard; always convinced he has discovered some plot against the Emperor.

Dranigo: familiar name of Lord Dranigrastan, Imperial noble who came to Terra to look for the Keeper's Crown. [KP]

Dranigrastan, Lord: Imperial noble who came to Terra to look for the Keeper's Crown (see Dranigo). [KP]

Duklass, Count: Minister of Economics under Emperor Paul XXII. [MD]

Dunnan, Andray: nephew of Angus, murderer of Elaine Trask, pirated Angus's starship Enterprise[SV]

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Ector, General Dagro: Head of the Eglonsby Syndic for State Protection on Amaterasu [SV]

Eirrarsson [GD]: Second Century, A.E., Martian Colonial poet, recalled by Conn Maxwell [GD]

Enterprise: starship built at Gorram shipyards by Duke Angus, intended to be used to establish Space Viking base on Tanith, pirated by Andray Dunnan.

Estherhan, Roger-fan-Morvill: Space Viking, captain of the Damnthing; his name suggests he's a Sword-Worlder's acknowledged bastard by an Old Federation woman [SV]

Everrard: Ruling family on Hoth [SV]

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Farnor of Yand: renowned gunsmith of the Second Level Akor-Neb civilization.  Garnon of Roxor gave a pistol made by Farnor of Yand, along with a knife forged and tempered on Luna, to his Assassin, Dirzed, as gifts, shortly before Dirzed fired the bullet, from the pistol, which discarnated him. [LE]

Faisal: Malik of the Hashemite Kingdom of Iraq, a vassal state of the Islamic Caliphate (fictionalized version of Faisal ib'n Ghazi). [SK]

Fawzi, Kurt (GD; JP): mayor of Litchfield on Poictesme; one of the financiers of Conn Maxwell's education on Terra (GD; JP); owner of Litchfield warehouse and brokerage business and the airline agency [GD]; father of Lynne Fawzi [GD];.

Fawzi, Lynne [GD]: daughter of Kurt Fawzi, with "a cloud of bright hair," girlfriend of Conn Maxwell [GD]  (This character does not appear in The Cosmic Computer; cf. Sylvie Jacquemont.)

Fenner, Marjorie: First Century, A.E., secretary to Edward Chalmers and Max Pottgeiter at Blanley College. [EK]

Fergus, Duke: father of Angus and of Andray Dunnan's mother [SV]

Ferriera, Mohammed: long-time field-agent for the Extraterrestrials' Rights Association on Uller; with Paula Quinton attacked by an Ulleran mob in Konkrook immediately after visiting Keeluk; rescued by Carlos von Schlichten.  [UU]

Ffayle, Lothar: Head of the Bank of Wardshaven on Gram, pledged to Duke Angus, later head of Bank of Tanith [SV]

Field [OL]: Space Force Captain, intelligence, on the first Terran mission to Mars.  Assisted Martha Dane in her translation work.

Finchley (also spelled "Finchly"): Female member of first Terran mission to Mars who contracted local virus, she recovered when Ivan Fitzgerald isolated the germ. [OL]

Firkked: indigenous king of Skilk on Uller; killed in a duel by Carlos von Schlichten during the Uprising. [UU]

Fitch, Leonard: First Century, A.E., professor of psychology at Blanley College, supporter of Edward Chalmers. [EK]

Image - Ivan Fitzgerald

Ivan Fitzgerald (from Astounding, February 1957)

Fitzgerald, Ivan: (first) Terran Federation Space Force Major, medical, on the first Terran mission to Mars; a "big man [to Martha Dane] with red hair and a red face"; assisted Martha Dane; isolated the Martian virus contacted by Finchley. [OL]

Fitzhurse, Reginald: Stellex crewmember [WC]

Flavia, Duchess: initially Duchess of Angus, later Queen of Gram, subsequently divorced by Angus; sister of Duke Joris of Bigglersport[SV]

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Gartner, Genji (GD; JP): Seventh Century, A.E., discoverer of Poictesme.

Gatworth, Charley [JP]: commander of the Gordon Valley Home Guard gunboat Vampire; son of Morgan Gatworth; first officer and astrogator of the Ouroboros II on her maiden voyage from Poictesme to Baldur [JP]

Gatworth, Morgan: Litchfield lawyer on Poictesme; father of Charley Gatworth; member of Kurt Fawzi's "gang" of Merlin prospectors [JP]

Gerrit, Anton: Mastermind of the Loki enslavement; captured fifteen years later on Fenris while posing as Steve Ravick. [FDP]

Ghaldron Karf: co-discoverer, with Hesthor Ghrom, of the Ghaldron-Hesthor transtemporal field, the basic element of paratime transposition. [PO]  "Ghaldron was working to develop a spacewarp drive, to get us out to the stars. . . ." [LK]

Gicquel, Laurent: French-Canadian Space Force Captain, engineering, on the first Terran mission to Mars. [OL]

Image - Miles Gilbert

Miles Gilbert (from Analog, November 1960)

Gilbert, Miles: Chief of the Kwannon Planetwide News Service.  Born and raised on Kwannon, graduated from the University of Montevideo on Terra, subsequently traveled two years on a Paula von Schlicten Fellowship.  Through his efforts, with support from Captain Foxx Travis, the Kwannon shoonoon were convinced to assist in ending the native Kwannon swarmings sparked by the approach of Kwannon's primary star, Gettler Beta, to periastron with the system's larger, secondary star, Gettler Alpha.  Offered Edith Shaw a job with Planetwide News. [OS]

Gorkrink: Ulleran, Prince of the Kingdom of Keegark, son of King Orgzild, and the daughter of Prince Jurnkonk; understood naturally-spoken Lingua Terra and believed to have been able to read it as well; learned to manufacture nuclear weapons while working for Terrans on Niflheim, played a central role in Keegarks's development of nuclear weapons; believed to have been killed while aboard the captured contragravity freighter Jan Smuts when it was destroyed during the Uprising. [UU]

Gorram, Alex: holder of Gorram shipyards on Gram, father of Basil Gorram, pledged to Angus[SV]

Gorram, Basil: son of Alex Gorram, came to Tanith to establish a branch of Gorram shipyards.

Gower, Katherine: Stellex crewmember [WC]

Gratham, Nicky: Ruler of Jaganath [SV]

Grauffis, Sir Rovard: pledged to Duke Angus, later Prime Minister of Gram under King Angus [SV]

Guellick: First Century, A.E., student in Edward Chalmers's Modern History IV class. [EK]

Gurrash, Captain: Gilgamesher, captain of the Fairdealer[SV]

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Image - Hadron Dalla

Hadron Dalla (from Astounding, August 1950)

Hadron Dalla: First level psychic-science researcher; previously married to Verkan Vall and subsequently remarried; later Special Chief's Assistant's Special Assistant (to Verkan) in the Paratime Police.[LE, TC, LK]

Hale, Margaret: Stellex crewmember [WC]

Hallstock, Morton: Mayor of Port Sandor on Fenris and de facto world leader who fled to Terra after the Hunters' Co-operative revolt [FDP]

Hamid: an Iraqi Sheikh, key advisor of Khalid ib'n Hussein, hosted Tallal ib'n Khalid when he returned to the Islamic Caliphate after Khalid's assassination. [SK]

Handley: First Century, A.E., head of the Latin Department at Blanley College [EK]

Hauserman: First Century, A.E., psychiatrist at Northern State Mental Hospital who examines Edward Chalmers. [EK]

Harkaman, Otto: Space Viking, captain of the Corisande, hired by Duke Angus to command the Enterprise; subsequently hired by Lucas Trask to command the Nemesis, later captain of the Corisande II; an amateur historian, born on Colada[SV]

Hartley, Blake: began making plans with his teenaged son, Allan Hartley, to avert the expected future Third World War. [TTA]

Hartley, Allan: "a man of forty-three; an army officer, a chemist, once a best-selling novelist" killed in the Third World War in 1975.  "He had been married, and divorced ten years" before.  "Reawakened" in his fourteen-year-old body in August 1945.  Began making plans with his father, Blake Hartley, to avert the expected future Third World War. [TTA]

Hartzenbosch, Professor: Principal of the Port Sandor school on Fenris [FDP]

Havilgar, Prince: Haulteclere Space Viking who led an unsuccessful raid on Aton 120 years ago, the last time Space Vikings raided a civilized planet [SV]

Hemmerding, Rolve: Wardshaven gentleman-adventurer aboard the Nemesis[SV]

Hesthor Ghrom: co-discoverer, with Ghaldron Karf, of the Ghaldron-Hesthor transtemporal field, the basic element of paratime transposition.[PO]  "Hesthor was working on the possibility of linear time-travel, to get back to the past, before his ancestors had worn the planet out; . . . somehow Hesthor read some of Rhogom's old papers, and he'd heard about what Ghaldron was working on and got in touch with him. Between them, they discovered paratemporal transposition."[LK]

Image - Jack Holloway

Jack Holloway (from Little Fuzzy, Ace 1976)

Holloway, Jack: Zarathustra prospector; first to encounter Fuzzies; later Native Affairs Commissioner on Zarathustra. [LF]

Humfort, Vann: Space Viking, captain of the Yo-Yo, aligned with Andray Dunnan[SV]

Hussein: Malik of Jordan, a vassal state of the Islamic Caliphate; nephew of Nayef ib'n Abdullah (fictionalized version of Hussein ib'n Talal). [SK]

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ib'n Abdullah, Nayef: Ambassador of the Islamic Caliphate to Britain; father of Tijan bint Nayef and husband of Mihrimah al-Nayef; uncle of Malik Hussein; tasked by his first cousin, Khalid ib'n Hussein, to watch over Tallal ib'n Khalid while he was attending Cranhurst Academy and was evacuated with Tallal to the Mayflower Redoubt during the Thirty Days' War.  (Fictionalized version of Nayef ib'n Abdullah.) [SK]

ib'n Hussein, Khalid: Arab statesman and pro-Western leader of newly-formed Islamic Caliphate assassinated, presumably at the inspiration of the Eastern Axis, while leaving the Parliament Building at Basra in 32 A.E. (1973); described as "greatest Moslem since Saladin." (EK, pp. 13, 17, 30, 36)  (Fictionalized version of Abdullah ib'n Ali whose grandfather proclaimed the Sharifian Caliphate. [SK])

ib'n Khalid, Tallal: Son of Khalid ib'n Hussein, eventually seceeded his father after Khalid's assassination and brought the Islamic Caliphate into the Terran Federation in 32, A.E. [EK]  Attended Cranhurst Academy, visited the Al-Borak launch facility, betrothed to Tijan bint Nayef and was evacuated to the Mayflower Redoubt during the Thirty Days' War. [SK]

al-Nayef, Mihrimah: wife of Nayef ib'n Abdullah and mother of Tijan bint Nayef; evacuated with her husband to the Mayflower Redoubt during the Thirty Days' War. [SK]

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Jacquemont, Sylvie [JP]: daughter of Yves Jacquemont, girlfriend and later fianceé of Conn Maxwell.[JP]  (This character does not appear in "Graveyard of Dreams;" cf. Lynne Fawzi.)

Jan, Gunsalis: Secretary to Pedrosan Pedro on Amaterasu [SV]

Jandar Jard: First Level theatrical designer.[TC]

Jardine, Bertram: secretary of Benjamin Bathurst; was traveling with him in his coach.[HW]

Jarnid of Starpha, Prince: discarnated father of Jirzyn and Jirzid: pre-discarnated Jirzid, leaving Jirzyn to inherit his position.[LE]

Javrath Brend: First Level financial attorney for Thalvan Dras.[TC]

Jefferson, Thomas: rebel American colonist, author of the Declaration of Philadelphia; escaped to Havana after the defeat of the rebels, died in the Principality of Lichtenstein.[HW]

Jirzid of Starpha: discarnated elder brother of Jirzyn; reincarnated as Tarnox of Fastor.[LE]

Jirzyn of Starpha, Prince: Volitionist noble, present for discarnation of Garnon of Roxor; owned the family dwelling dome where Hadron Dalla fled; had killed his elder brother, Jirzid, in order to inherit their father, Jarnid's, position.[LE]

Jonkvank: indigenous king of Krink on Uller; viceroy at Skilk after the Uprising. [UU]

Joris: Duke of Bigglersport on Gram, pledged to Angus, brother of Flavia[SV]

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Image - Calvin Morrison

Calvin Morrison / Kalvan (from Analog, November 1964)

Kalvan (originally "Calvin Morrison"): Former Pennsylvania State Trooper on Fourth Level, Europo-American, Hispano-Colombian Subsector timeline accidentally transposed to Fourth Level, Aryan-Transpacific, Styphon's House Subsector timeline; assisted the Principality of Hostigos in gaining independence from the Kingdom of Hos-Harphax; became Great King of the Great Kingdom of Hos-Hostigos.[GG, DS, LK]

Karamessinis, Guido: Resident-Agent at Grank. [UU]

Karffard, Alvyn: Otto Harkaman's executive officer [SV]

Karski, Fred: Member of the Gordon Valley Home Guard, boyhood companion of Conn Maxwell [JP]

Karvall, Lavina (nee Sandrasan): Wife of Sesar Karvall, mother of Elaine Trask and sister to Burt Sandrasan. [SV]

Karvall, Sesar: Baron of Karvall mills, father of Elaine Trask; pledged to Angus[SV]

Keaveney, Jules: Resident-Agent at Skilk. [UU]

Kelton, Dolf (GD; JP): Superintendent and professor of the Litchfield Academy; member of Kurt Fawzi's "gang" of Merlin prospectors (GD; JP)  Secretary of the Board of Litchfield Exploration & Salvage, Ltd. [JP]

Kendrick: First Century, A.E., student in Edward Chalmers's Modern History IV class. [EK]

Kintour, Stafan: Space Viking, captain of the Princess of Lyonesse[SV]

Kirbey, Guatt: Otto Harkaman's hyperspatial astrogator, an amateur music composer [SV]

Kivelson, Joe: Fenris monster-hunter, skipper of the hunting ship Javelin, one of the leaders of the Hunter's Co-operative revolt, and father of Linda and Tom Kivelson [FDP]

Kivelson, Linda: Daughter of Joe and elder sister of Tom Kivelson, sent to school on Terra [FDP]

Kivelson, Tom: Fenris monster-hunter and boyhood friend of Walter Boyd; son of Joe and younger brother of Linda Kivelson. [FDP]

Konrad: King of Haulteclere[SV]

Koreff, Paul: Nemesis signals-and-detection officer [SV]

Image - Sachiko Koremitsu

Sachiko Koremitsu (from Astounding, February 1957)

Koremitsu, Sachiko (Sachi): (first) Terran Federation Space Force Lieutentant, ordnance, on the first Terran mission to Mars; assisted Martha Dane. [OL]

Krull, Lisette: Stellex crewmember [WC]

Kubanoff, Julio: Former monster-hunter, now compositor for the Port Sandor Times [FDP]

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Lanningham: U.S. General who brought nuclear weapons data to South America after a "debacle" in 114 A.E. [UU]  Military attache at the U.S. embassy to the Islamic Caliphate at the outbreak of the Thirty Days' War; participated in initial negotiations between Ambassador Reeve and Tallal ib'n Khalid aimed at securing Turkey's withdrawal from Lebanon and Syria in return for the Caliphate joining the Terran Federation of States [SK]

Larch, Vann: Otto Harkaman's guns-and-missiles officer, an amateur painter; most of his "work was lost with the Corisande on Durendal."  [SV]

Lattimer, Anthony (Tony) [OL]: One of three archaeologists on the first Terran mission to Mars.

Lautier, Adolf: Fenris entertainment promoter; co-owner of the Port Sandor telecast station. [FDP]

Lemoyne, Hendrik: Resident-Agent at Keegark; killed during the Uprising. [UU]

Ledue (GD; JP): Litchfield judge; member of Kurt Fawzi's "gang" of Merlin prospectors (GD; JP)

Lindemann [OL]: Space Force Major, engineering, on the first Terran mission to Mars.  Assisted Sid Chamberlain in his newsgathering.

Lionel: Count of Newhaven on Gram, ally of Angus[SV]

Lucas, Wade: doctor engaged to Flora Maxwell, native of Baldur who came to Poictesme after completing medical school; encouraged to relocate from Storisende by Rodney Maxwell, Judge Ledue, and Kurt Fawzi after coming to Litchfield to learn about salvaged medical equipment; formed medical salvage brokerage Mainland Medical Materials, Ltd., with Rodney Maxwell after the search for Merlin began; traveled to Baldur aboard the Ouroboros II on her maiden voyage from Poictesme. [JP]

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Maxwell, Conn: Prospector for Merlin on Poictesme; son of Rodney Maxwell; graduate of University of Montivideo on Terra; born c871 A.E. (GD; JP)

Maxwell, Charley [GD]: Conn Maxwell's younger brother [GD]    (This character does not appear in The Cosmic Computer.)

Maxwell, Flora (GD; JP): Conn Maxwell's older sister (GD; JP)  Assistant principal for the grade schools of the Litchfield Academy [JP]

Maxwell, Rodney (GD; JP): Poistesme salvager and Conn Maxwell's father (GD; JP)

McDonald, Dave: Stellex crewmember; naturalist [WC]

Menardes, Lorenzo [JP]: Litchfield distiller on Poictesme; member of Kurt Fawzi's "gang" of Merlin prospectors [JP]

Miles, Anthony: U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel, Terran Federation liaison to the Al-Borak Research Centre, hosted Tallal ib'n Khalid when he toured the facility; father of Jeff Miles. [SK]

Miles, Jeff: Space Force Captain on the first Terran mission to Mars. [OL]

Montivideo, University of: university on Terra; Conn Maxwell was a graduate. (GD; JP)  (May be modelled on / descended from the Universidad de la República in Montevideo, Uruguay.)

Morbes, Captain: Commander of the Durendal freighter Rozinante[SV]

Morgan, Rock: Space Viking, captain of the Coalsack [SV]

Morland, Sir Paytrick: Former guard-captain of Lionel, recruited to command the ground fighters and combat contragravity aboard the Nemesis[SV]

Muramoto, Arthur: Stellex crewmember [WC]

Murell, Glenn: [FDP]

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Napolyon: King of Flamberge [SV]

Narvaes, Laurenço: Stellex crewmember [WC]

Noureed, Mohammed: Egyptian Arab and religious fanatic who assassinated Khalid ib'n Hussein, stoned to death immediately afterward [EK]

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Olva: electromagnetician, one of the survivors of the destruction of the Doorshan (Martian) colony ship; ultimately killed by the Hairy People on Tareesh (Terra).[GE]

Olirzon: assassin hired by Verkan Vall when working undercover on Akor-Neb; killed at Starpha Dome during Assassins' Truce by Tarnod, a Starpha family gamekeeper.[LE]

Omfray: Duke of Glaspyth on Gram, overthrown by Angus; returned to lay claim to the throne of Gram with a Space Viking fleet supplied by King Konrad of Haulteclere.[SV]

Orgzild: indigenous king of Keegark on Uller. [UU]

Ormm, Sir Nevil: Andray Dunnan's henchman, killed when the Enterprise was destroyed. [SV]

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Patterson, Nancy: Stellex crewmember [WC]

Pedrosan Pedro: President of the Eglonsby Council of Syndics on Amaterasu [SV]

Image - Hubert Penrose

Hubert Penrose (from Astounding, February 1957)

Penrose, Hubert: (first) Terran Federation Space Force Colonel, commander of the first Terran mission to Mars in the First Century, A.E.; assisted Martha Dane in her translation work.  The starship which carried the Seventh Century, A.E., (second) Terran Federation joint Space Navy — Colonial Office expedition that discovered Svantovit was named for Penrose. (Perhaps inspired by or conceived of as a descendant of Boies Penrose, 1897-1921, Senator from Pennsylvania during Piper's childhood and teen years.). [OL]

Perales, Blackie [JP]: former planter in an agricultural region to the south of Litchfield on Poictesme; turned outlaw after foreclosure on his plantation; leader of pirates who hijacked the contragravity ship Harriet Barne [JP]

Pottgeiter, Max: First Century, A.E., colleague of Edward Chalmers, specialist in Medieval history. [EK]

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Quinton, Dr. Paula: Extraterrestrial sociographer on Uller; see Paula Von Schlichten. [UU]

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Raad: Malik of Syria, a vassal state of the Islamic Caliphate; killed in the rebel uprising during the Thirty Days' War (fictionalized version of Raad ib'n Zeid). [SK]

Rathmore, Baron Hugh: pledged to Duke Angus [SV]

Ravick, Steve: Leader of the Hunters' Co-operative on Fenris; see Gerrit, Anton. [FDP]

Reeve: U.S. ambassador to the Islamic Caliphate, began negotiations with Tallal ib'n Khalid aimed at securing Turkey's withdrawal from Lebanon and Syria in return for the Caliphate joining the Terran Federation of States. [SK]

Renner, Sharll: Otto Harkaman's normal-space astrogator [SV]

Ridgerd, Duke: Holder of Didreksburg on Gram [SV]

Rodolf: King of Excalibur [SV]

Rojansky, Doc: Doctor at the Port Sandor hospital on Fenris [FDP]

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Sabah: a Kuwaiti Sheikh and Foreign Minister of the Islamic Caliphate; signed the Compact of the Terran Federation of States on behalf of the Caliphate. [SK]

Salam: Prime Minister of Syria at outbreak of the Thirty Days' War. [SK]

Salim: an Amir and Defence Minister of the Islamic Caliphate; key advisor of Khalid ib'n Hussein and subsequently of Tallal ib'n Khalid when he became Caliph; was evacuated with Tallal to the Mayflower Redoubt during the Thirty Days' War. [SK]

Sancia: Sister of Duke Ridgerd of Didreksburg whose second husband was poisoned, rumoredly by Ridgerd [SV]

Sandrasan, Burt: holder of engine works on Gram, brother of Lavina Karvall, and pledged to Duke Angus, later held Karvallmills after the death of Sesar Karvall[SV]

Sasstroff, Horris: Trader, captain of the Honest Horris, aligned with Andray Dunnan[SV]

Senta (GD; JP): proprietess of Litchfield's premier eatery; "fat and dumpy, in one of her preposterous red-and-purple dresses, bustling about, bubbling happily one moment and screaming invective at some laggard waiter the next." (GD; JP)

Shanlee, Mike: Aide-de-camp to Foxx Travis [JP]

Shapiro, Francis Xavier: Resident-Agent at Krink on Uller during the Uprising [UU]

Sharaf: an Amir and official representative of the Islamic Caliphate to the Directorate of the Terran Federation of States. [SK]

Image - Edith Shaw

Edith Shaw (from Analog, November 1960)

Shaw, Edith: Economic, Educational and Technical Assistance staff member on Kwannon, held graduate degree from the University of Adelaide on Terra.  Assigned by the Colonial Government to observe the efforts of Miles Gilbert, with support from Captain Foxx Travis, to convince the Kwannon shoonoon to assist in ending the native Kwannon swarmings sparked by the approach of Kwannon's primary star, Gettler Beta, to periastron with the system's larger, secondary star, Gettler Alpha.  Offered a job with Planetwide News by Gilbert. [OS]

Smith, Al: Pre-Atomic Era politician (born -70 PA, died 1 A.E.) in the former North American country known as the United States, quoted by Walt Boyd. [FDP]

Smith, Luther: Stellex crewmember [WC]

Smith, Tom: First Century, A.E., professor of math at Blanley College; supporter of Edward Chalmers. [EK]

Somerton, Mrs.: household secretary of Nayef ib'n Abdullah at Cheverton Estate. [SK]

Spasso, Garvan: Space Viking, captain of the Lamia, later Chief of Police at Glaspyth under King Angus of Gram, still later granted a barony of former Glaspyth lands [SV]

Standish, Gloria: Pan-Federation Telecast System reporter on the first Terran mission to Mars. [OL]

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Tallal ib'n Khalid: see ib'n Khalid, Tallal.

Tranter, Mort [OL]: Civilian chemist on the first Terran mission to Mars.

Trask (née Karvall), Elaine: bride of Lucas Trask and daughter of Sesar Karvall; murdered by Andray Dunnan[SV]

Trask, Lucas: originally Baron of Traskon on Gram; married Elaine Karvall; after she was killed, traded his barony to Angus in exchange for unfinished starship which he named ; established Space Viking base on Tanith; still later Prince of Tanith. [SV]

Trask, Sir Nikkolay: Cousin to Lucas Trask and Trask family lawyer, later vicar-baron of Traskon under Duke Angus [SV]

Travis, Foxx: With rank of Captain and as aide to Major General Denis Maith, assigned to assist Miles Gilbert in effort to bring native swarmings on Kwannon to an end. [OS]  With rank of Force General, Commander of the Terran Federation Third Fleet-Army Force on Poictesme during the System States War[JP]

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Vaghn, Teodor: Space Viking, captain of the Starhopper, aligned with Andray Dunnan[SV]

Valdive, Baron: Gram noble, father of Angus's second wife, Evita [SV]

Valkanhayn, Boake: Space Viking, commander of the Space Scourge; later vassal to Lucas Trask on Tanith[SV]

Valpry, Lord: Wardshaven gentleman-adventurer aboard the Nemesis[SV]

Varnis: machinist's helper, "pert little" female member of crew of the Martian ship sent to Terra; after the loss of her child to an attack by the Hairy People she suffered from emotional and mental breakdown.[GE]

Veltrin, Franz: journalist with the (Litchfield) News on Poictesme; member of Kurt Fawzi's "gang" of Merlin prospectors (GD; JP)

Image - Verkan Vall

Verkan Vall (from Astounding, August 1950)

Verkan Vall: Paratime Police officer, first Special Chief's Assistant, later Chief.  Also Mavrad of Nerros.[PO, LE, TT, TC, LK]

Viktor, Prince: Ruler of Xochitl, a Haulteclere noble [SV]

Virzal of Verkan: alias assumed by Verkan Vall while operating on Second Level Akor-Neb Sector.[LE]

Volzar Darv: director of the First Level Rhogom Foundation.[LE]

Image - Selim von Ohlmhorst

Selim von Ohlmhorst (from Astounding, February 1957)

von Ohlmhorst, Selim: one of three archaeologists on the first (first) Terran Federation mission to Mars; assisted Martha Dane; of Turkish and German descent; leading authority in Hittitology at the time.[OL]

von Berchtenwald, Count: Chancellor of Prussia, who communicated the detention and circumstances related to Benjamin Bathurst, to the British minister.[HW]

von Krutz, Baron Eugen: German Minister of Police, in charge of those who detained Benjamin Bathurst.[HW]

Image - Carlos von Schlichten

Carlos von Schlichten (from Space Science Fiction, February 1953)

von Schlichten, General Carlos: Commander of the Chartered Uller Company armed forces on Uller in the Sixth Century, A.E.; born in La Rioja, Argentina, on Terra; his family, which included German "war criminals," came to Argentina after the Second World War; married Paula von Schlichten in the aftermath of the Uprising. [UU]

von Tarlburg, Oberleutnant Rudolf "Rudi": German officer charged with transporting Benjamin Bathurst to the Ministry of Police in Berlin.&mbsp; His informal interrogation of Bathurst during the trip provides the greatest insight into the differences in the two timelines.  Von Tarlburg is the nephew of Baron Eugen von Krutz.[HW]

Image - Paula Quinton

Paula Quinton (from Space Science Fiction, February 1953)

Von Schlichten (née Quinton), Dr. Paula: Extraterrestrial sociographer on Uller in the Sixth Century, A.E.; born in Argentina on Terra, one of her great-grandmothers was Freyan, another was Japanese and she also had French (her French ancestors were "collaborationists" who came to Argentina after the Second World War), Spanish, Russian, Italian and English ancestry, which she described as "the usual modern Argentine mixture"; married Carlos von Schlichten in the aftermath of the Uprising; subsequently established an extraterrestrial sociography post-graduate fellowship. (UU, OS)

Vyckhoven, Jake: President of Poictesme, member of the First Families of Storisende [JP]

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Walid: friend of Tallal ib'n Khalid during their time at Cranhurst Academy, visited the Al-Borak launch facility with Tallal and was evacuated with him to the Mayflower Redoubt during the Thirty Days' War.  His surname is not mentioned though he is described as the nephew of Nayef ib'n Abdullah. [SK]

Wallace: household butler of Nayef ib'n Abdullah at Cheverton Estate. [SK]

Ware, Gonzalo "Bish": [FDP]

Weill, Stanley: Edward Chalmers's lawyer, apparently would be killed in explosion at Reno. [EK]

Whitburn, Lloyd: First Century, A.E., President of Blanley College; critic of Edward Chalmers. [EK]

Wong, Harry: Bar proprietor on Fenris [FDP]

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Xantos, Chris: Port Sandor police second lieutenant on Fenris.[FDP]

Xentos: Highpriest of Dralm in Hostigos and Chancellor to Prince Ptosphes.[LK]

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Yaggo, First Citizen Zhorzh: People's Manager-in-Chief of the Planetary Commonwealth of Aditya. (MD, JP)

Yamazaki, Phil: telecast operator at Kankad's Town on Uller. (UU, JP)

Ybarra, Pancho, M.D., Psych.D.: naval lieutenant and chief psychologist on Xerxes; played key role in determination of Fuzzy sapience; assigned to temporary duty with the Colonial Government. (LF, FS, JP)

Yeniguchi, Len: Litchfield tailor. [JP]

Yirzol of Narva: An Akor-Neb Statisticalist politician, killed by Verkan Vall in a duel.[LE]

Yirzy, Countess: Prince Travann's mistress.[MD]

Yoorkerk: indigenous king of Grank on Uller. [UU]

Yorimitsu: sergeant of colonial constabulary on Zarathustra. [LF]

Yorn: great-grandfather of Raud the Keeper; the son of Raud and grandson of Runch; father of Raud. [KP]

Yousef: an Amir and Prime Minister of the Islamic Caliphate; key advisor of Khalid ib'n Hussein and subsequently of Tallal ib'n Khalid when he became Caliph; was evacuated with Tallal to the Mayflower Redoubt during the Thirty Days' War. [SK]

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Zahanov, Karl: Stellex crewmember.[WC]

Zeller, Traugott: A Prussian police officer, called to the scene of Benjamin Bathurst's first encounter with locals; wrote one of the letters describing his encounter with Bathurst.[HW]

Zareff, Klem: former System States Alliance Army colonel, had commanded a division during the System States War that had been blasted down to about regimental strength; from Ashmodai, retired on Poictesme (GD; JP)  Commander of the Gordon Valley Home Guard militia [JP]

Zarvas, Baron: baron of Blackcliffe, grandfather of Angus and great-grandfather of Andray Dunnan[SV]

Zhorgay, Sir Maxamon: Sesar Karvall's henchman. [SV]

Zilker, Reverend Hiram: Orthodox-Monophysite preacher on Fenris. [FDP]

Zinkowski, "Jink": Pennsylvania State Police private; served in the military in the Philippines during the (Second World?) war.[PO]

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Characters sources (in order of publication):

TTA:   "Time and Time Again," Astounding, April 1947.
HW:   "He Walked Around the Horses," Astounding, April 1948.
PO:   "Police Operation," Astounding, July 1948.
Me:   "The Mercenaries," Astounding, March 1950.
LE:   "Last Enemy," Astounding, August 1950.
TT:   "Temple Trouble," Astounding, April 1951.
GE:   "Genesis," Future, September 1951.
UU:   Uller Uprising, in The Petrified Planet, Twayne 1952.
TC:   "Time Crime," Astounding, February and March 1955.
OL:   "Omnilingual," Astounding, February 1957.
EK:   "The Edge of the Knife," Amazing Stories, May 1957.
MD:   "Ministry of Disturbance," Astounding, December 1958.
KP:   "The Keeper," Venture, July 1957.
GD:   "Graveyard of Dreams," Galaxy, February 1958.
OS:   "Oomphel in the Sky," Analog, November 1960.
FDP:   Four-Day Planet, Putnam 1961.
NS:   "Naudsonce," Analog, January 1962.
SS:   "A Slave is a Slave," Analog, November 1962.
SV:   Space Viking, Analog, November and December 1962, January and February 1963.
LF:   Little Fuzzy, Avon 1962.
JP:   Junkyard Planet, Putnam 1963.
GG:   "Gunpowder God," Analog, November 1964.
FS:   Fuzzy Sapiens, originally The Other Human Race, Avon 1964.
DS:   "Down Styphon!," Analog, November 1965.
LK:   Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen, Ace, 1965.
WC:   "When in the Course —," in Federation, Ace 1981.
FOP:   Fuzzies and Other People, Ace 1984.

Ap:   Apocrypha — non-canonical material.  See "Newton's Rule."
SK:   "The Spine of the Knife," David Johnson. (Ap)

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