Abrahamic Synod ("Avraamikí Sýnodos"): major Colonial State with capital at New Canaan / Gaea.
Abrahamism: Widespread religion among Colonial Sphere worlds with origins in the traditional Human religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Unlike its more traditional forebears, Abrahamism is non-theistic yet holds that the emergence of sapience is a fundamentally supernatural phenomenon. Subsequent to the original supernatural emergence of sapience, Abrahamist views diverge widely on the matter of supernaturalism, with some rejecting any further supernatural phenomenon while others holding to an abundant supernaturalism somewhat like traditional spiritualist or animist beliefs and a multitude of diverse perspectives between these two extremes. Despite its origins in traditional Human religion Abrahamism now has roughly equal numbers of Human and Dolphin adherents, in part because of its privileging of sapience as its central supernatural concept. Total Abrahamist adherents number in the billions. (Also see "Abrahamism," forthcoming, at Freelance Traveller.)
aci-Gharean, Leulp: Long-serving Aeroi Foreign Minister and principal representative of the Aeroi government in the Colonies Sphere. Widely recognized due to her many media appearances, during her tenure aci-Gharean has met face-to-face with the leaders of all major Colonies Sphere governments and most leaders of minor Colonies Sphere governments as well.
Æther Industries: Abrahamic Synod shipbuilding and manufacturing corporation headquartered at New Canaan/Gaea.
Ahmad ibn Fadlan-class sloop: The Ahmad ibn Fadlan-class is a 100-ton, jump-2 Synodic sloop designed for frontier scouting and missionary duties. Designed by Æther Industries and built at shipyards across the Synod, Ahmad ibn Fadlan-class sloops are the Discovery Services' most common starship — and are often the ships made available for detached duty. (The Ahmad ibn Fadlan-class design is inspired by the Type-SX scout/courier which originally appeared in the Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society '#2.)
Aje-class trader: The Aje-class is a 200-ton, jump-1 Nyanzan trader designed for frontier trade and commerce. Designed by Kumwanza Shipwrights and built at shipyards across the Federation, Aje-class traders are common throughout Federation space and beyond. (The Aje-class design is inspired by the standard Type-A free trader which originally appeared in Traveller Book 2: Starships.)
Alagoas Trace: A J-1 trace of worlds in Ourora District comprised of Alagoas, Inhambane and Sofala. The Quintas Alagoas-Cuene connects the Alagoas Trace to the Cuene Cluster.
Albon Aquaculture: Theridian agricultural products corporation headquartered at Therid with operations in Theridia, Gaea, Hejaz and Sirius Districts.
Alexei Leonov: The Yuri Gagarin-class generation starship which brought the original colonists from Earth to Taprobane / Siddhārtha (1526.20). Named for an early Human space explorer, the Alexei Leonov was eventually moved to a sunward orbit by the colonists and abandoned. [Note: "Clarkesstar" is the name of the Taprobane system (Gliese 644, CD -08° 4352 and Van Biesbroeck 8) in 2300 AD. The Van Biesbroeck 8 system was once believed to include the first discovered "brown dwarf." The Clarkesstar name for the system may have been a tribute to Arthur C. Clarke who portrayed the fantastical formation of a brown dwarf in his novel 2010: Odyssey Two — which featured the spacecraft Alexei Leonov. (T23 "Near Star List," pp. 7-8; "Clarkesstar," TD14, pp. 53-56)]
Almasi Cluster: A J-1 cluster of worlds in Nyanza District comprised of Chobe, Hizam Nuhasiun, Makueni and Pemba. (Almasi is Nyanzan for "diamond.")
Argo Lines: independent shipping line in Pollux District headquartered at Clytemnestra. Also provides communications services.
Argonaut: The Conestoga-class generation starship which brought the original colonists from Earth to Fei Lien / Pollux (1019.14). Named for an ancient Human mythological hero, the Argonaut was abandoned and crashed on the world's surface after its orbit deteriorated. [Note: "Joi" is the name of the settled world in the Fei Lien system (61 Ursae Majoris) in 2300 AD; it was first surveyed by the starship "Argonaute." (AD13, pp. 28-29)]
Asteroid Atomics: independent resources extraction corporation in Sirius District headquartered at Van Maanen's Belt.
Astilleros Aztlán: major Aztlán financial services and manufacturing and shipyards corporation headquartered at Aztlán / Procyon.
Aurore: The Minerve-class sub-light starship which brought the original colonists from Nouveau Quebec / Arcturus (0524.17) to Arthabaska / Jagannath (0924.16). Named for an ancient Human deity, the Aurore was converted into an orbital starport facility which remains in service and is now commonly referred to as Haut-Port Aurore. [Note: "Aurore" is the name of the Arthabaska system (η Boötis) in 2300 AD. (AD00 Adventurer's Guide, p. 82; AD13, pp. 44-46)]
Austin: The Montevideo-class sub-light starship which was the first starship from Earth to travel to Takla Makan / Sirius (1814.19) after the Break-up. [Note: "Austin's World" is the name of the Takla Makan system (BD -03° 1123) in 2300 AD. (AD00 Adventurer's Guide, pp. 80-81; AD13, pp. 74-76); the Takla Makan system is also the location of "Murasaki" (ADCD "Near Star Map Stellar Data")]
autarchy: a type of Social Authority in which the governing authority rests with a single individual. In an autocratic autarchy, such as a criminal gang or a small commercial enterprise, the source of this authority comes from the autarch's ability to compel others, typically by force (and therefore usually only possible for small groups). In a democratic autarchy, such as a charismatic dictatorship or absolute monarchy, the source of this authority comes from the consent of a majority of those in the governed polity. In an consensual autarchy, such as a large commercial enterprise or constitutional monarchy, the source of this authority comes from the consent of all of those in the governed polity.
autocratic (legitimacy): a source of Social Authority in which the legitimacy of the governing authority is imposed upon others by those in authority. In an autocratic autarchy the legitimacy comes from the autarch's ability to compel others, typically by force (and therefore only possible for small groups). In an autocratic oligarchy the legitimacy comes from the oligarchs' ability to compel others, also typically by force and therefore also only possible for relatively small groups (those somewhat larger than those typically possible under autocratic autarchy).
auxiliary: a boat or ship not intended for combat.
Azanian Starlines: Major Nyanzan shipping corporation headquartered at Nyanza / Nyanza.
barque (or "barquentine"): a corvette or frigate of at least 800 displacement-tons but less than 1000 tons (e.g. the standard Type-C cruiser which originally appeared in Traveller Book 2: Starships).
battleship (or "battle boat"): a capital ship (or boat) typically with more than 500 crew members (not including craft pilots or troops).
Beowulf: The Gilgamesh-class generation starship which brought the original colonists from Earth to Tvashtri / Jagannath (1321.15). Named for an ancient Human mythological hero, the Beowulf remains in service as the orbital element of the world's spaceport. [Note: "Beowulf" is the name of the colonized world in the Tvashtri system (Gliese 477.1) in 2300 AD. (T23 "Near Star List," p. 5; AD00 Adventurer's Guide, p. 83; AD13, pp. 11-14; AD34, pp. 52-55)]
Beersheba Minerals: Abrahamic Synod resources extraction and processing corporation headquartered at Admah/Gaea.
Bokuden-class cruiser: The Bokuden-class is a 30,000-ton, jump-4 Shinnihon cruiser designed for bombard, combat, patrol and siege missions. The Bokuden-class cruisers, the most powerful warships in the Shinnihon navy, are designed by Maeda-Akamatsu Heavy Industries and built at its shipyards at Ehime. The Bokuden-class design is based upon the Empire of Aztlán's Oñate-class cruiser and mounts Astilleros Aztlán drives. (The Bokuden-class cruiser design is inspired by the Gionetti-class light cruiser which originally appeared in Supplement 9: Fighting Ships.)
Botany Bay: Original name of Siguiri / Jagannath (1428.14) before it was resettled by the Federation of Nyanza. [Note: "Botany Bay" and "Kingsland" are the names of colonized worlds in the Siguiri system (Gliese 638 and ζ Herculis) in 2300 AD. (AD00 Adventurer's Guide, p. 79; AD13, pp. 91-96)]
Bon Chance-class merchant: The Bon Chance-class merchant is a 400-ton, jump-1 Quebecer merchant ship designed for routine trade route service. Designed and built by Chantier Laurentien at its Nouveau Québec shipyards, Bon Chance-class merchants are common throughout the Republic and nearby worlds. Multiple examples of the class will be encountered at most worlds along established trade routes. The original design includes two hardpoints, with associated space reserved for fire control systems. Typically, there is no weaponry installed but an armed version — subject to call-up as military auxiliaries — also exists. (The Bon Chance-class design is based upon the standard Type-R subsidized merchant which originally appeared in Traveller Book 2: Starships.)
Break-up: period in the 24th Century when the ecological disaster on Earth became most apparent, with widespread physical destruction and social disruption, culminating in former eco-terrorists groups coming to power in many regions.
brigantine (or "brig"): a corvette or frigate of at least 600 displacement-tons but less than 800 tons.
Bridgebuilder, Garibaldi (2662-2758): Dolphin diplomat who played an essential role in integrating Earth colonies on near-solar worlds, with which contact with Earth had been lost during the Break-up, into the newly formed Commonwealth of Earth.
Calebe-class sloop: The Calebe-class is a 100-ton, jump-2 Ouroran sloop designed for frontier scouting and courier duties. Designed by Casa Moreira and built at shipyards across the Community, Calebe-class sloops are Casa Barcellos's most common starship. (The Calebe-class design is inspired by the standard Type-S scout/courier which originally appeared in Traveller Book 2: Starships.)
Calydonian Hunt: independent agricultural products corporation in Pollux District headquartered at Clytemnestra.
capital ship (or boat): a gunboat or warship with a spinal mount weapon. See battleship and cruiser.
Caravan Shipping: Abrahamic Synod shipping and communications services corporation headquartered at New Canaan/Gaea.
caravel: a streamlined freighter or liner of at least 600 tons but less than 800 tons.
carrack: a streamlined freighter or liner of at least 800 tons but less than 1000 tons.
carrier: a gunboat or warship which carries smaller combat boats or ships.
Carsten Borchgrevink: The sub-light starship which brought the original colonists to Issuk Kyl / Procyon, the first such starship launched from the Sol system. Named for a late 19th Century Human explorer who led the first expedition to "winter over" in Antarctica, the starship, typical of the Southern Cross-class of sub-light starships to leave the Sol system in this early era, was not a "generation" ship because the voyage to Alpha Centauri, though "one way," took less than ten years.
Casa Andreas ("House Andreas"): major Ouroran agricultural production, resources extraction and financial services corporation headquartered at Amazonas / Ourora.
Casa Barcellos ("House Barcellos"): The interstellar exploration and planetary survey organization of the Ouroran Community. Barcellos is organized along lines similar to larger Ouroran Houses but unlike most of these, its operations are concentrated in the single enterprise of exploration. House Barcellos traces its origins back to the original command and survey elements present on the original colony ship that settled Amazonas. It maintain scout facilities throughout the Colonies Sphere and conducts exploration and survey activities in most independent systems. [From Melbourne Times #3] (Also see "Casa Barcellos.")
Casa Guedes ("House Guedes"): major Ouroran agricultural production and processing, manufacturing and resources extraction and processing corporation headquartered at Amazonas / Ourora.
Casa Moreira ("House Moreira"): A major Ouroran mercantile house, Moreira provides passenger and freight transport among Community worlds and operates interface routes as well. It is a Community leader in the manufacture and export of starships, computers and robotics, and a variety of vehicles and crafts. Moreira is also the largest operator of starports in the Community. [From Melbourne Times #1]
Casa Pontes ("House Pontes"): Major Ouroran agricultural production and processing, resources extraction and processing and manufacturing corporation headquartered at Amazonas / Ourora.
Casa Portalegre ("House Portalegre"): major Ouroran resources production and processing, manufacturing and financial services corporation headquartered at Amazonas / Ourora.
Casa Silveira ("House Silveira"): Major Ouroran shipping, communications and financial services and manufacturing and shipbuilding corporation headquartered at Amazonas / Ourora.
Chantier Laurentien: Quebecer manufacturing and shipyards corporation headquartered at Nouveau Québec/Arcturus.
Charles D'Artagnan: The Southern Cross-class sub-light starship which brought the original colonists to Tabora / Fomalhaut (1723.24). Named for an 19th Century fictional character who was based upon a 17th Century Human soldier. The starship was abandoned after a catastrophic accident an eventually fell into the world's oceans. [Note: "D'Artagnon (sic)" is the name of the Tabora system in 2300 AD. (T23 "Near Star List," p. 2)]
Charles-Pierre Augereau: The Bonaparte-class generation starship which brought the original colonists from Earth to Xbalanque / Pollux (1319.15). Named for an 18th Century Human military leader. Just a few years after the colonists had debarked the starship became unable to maintain its orbit above Xbalanque and eventually crashed on the world's surface. [Note: "Augereau" is the name of the colonized world in the Xbalanque system (Gliese 412) in 2300 AD. (T23 "Near Star List," p. 1)]
Chéngdū: Original name of Okhotsk / Fomalhaut (1921.22) before it was resettled by the Commonwealth of Earth. [Note: "Chengdu" (sic) is the name of the colonized world in the Okhotsk system (ε Indi) in 2300 AD. (AD00 Adventurer's Guide, p. 81; AD13, pp. 60-62)]
Chico Mendes: The William Penn-class generation starship which brought the original colonists to Amazonas. Named for a 20th Century Human political leader. The former starship — which served as the Amazonas highport for centuries — is currently being restored to its original state.
Chinta Ke Bina: The name of the world Chinta Ke Bina / Denebola (0822.13) means "Without Worry" in Hindi. [Note: "Sans Souci" is the name of an outpost in the Chinta Ke Bina system (BD +36° 2219) in 2300 AD. (AD34, pp. 50-51; and ADCD "Near Star Map Stellar Data")]
Comercio Imperial: major Aztlán communications and financial services corporation headquartered at Aztlán / Procyon.
Comidas Mexicas: major Aztlán agricultural production and processing corporation headquartered at Aztlán / Procyon.
Commonwealth of Earth: major Colonial State with capital at Earth / Sirius.
consensual (legitimacy): a source of Social Authority in which the legitimacy of the governing authority comes from the consent of all of those in the governed polity. In a consensual autarchy the legitimacy comes from the assent of all of those in the governed polity to the autarch's rule. In a consensual oligarchy the legitimacy comes from the assent of all of those in the governed polity to the oligarch's rule. In a consensual demarchy the legitimacy comes from the participation of all of those in the governed polity in governing.
Cormoran: The Gilgamesh-class generation starship which brought the original colonists from Earth to Oyama / Sirius (2017.23). Named for an ancient Human mythological figure, the Cormoran remains in service as the orbital element of the world's starport, commonly known as Cormoran Station. [Note: "Kormoran" (sic) is the name of the colonized world in the Oyama system (82 Eridani) in 2300 AD. (AD38, pp. 8-9)]
Coriolis Mechanics: major Theridian manufacturing, shipbuilding and resources extraction corporation headquartered at Therid / Theridia.
corvette (or "corvette boat"): a streamlined escort without bay weapons (e.g. the Kinunir-class colonial cruiser which originally appeared in Adventure 1: The Kinunir). See barque, brigantine, schooner, cutter and sloop.
CREATE: An acronym for Cultural Revelation, Appreciation, Tolerance and Education, CREATE is a Nyanzan quasi-governmental organization responsible for development and promotion of artistic and cultural interchanges among Federation worlds as well as between the Federation and other Colonial States. Largely through the efforts of CREATE, Nyanzan artistic and cultural endeavors are not only recognized but widely applauded throughout the Colonies Sphere. Artists from across the Sphere are drawn to the many educational institutions operated by CREATE on Federation worlds. [From Melbourne Times #1]
Crucis War, Third (2960): Third military action between Aztlán and local forces in Alpha Crucis district in which three worlds were seized by Aztlán. [From Melbourne Times #5]
cruiser (or "cruise boat"): a capital ship (or boat) typically with less than 500 crew members (not including craft pilots or troops).
Cuene Cluster: A J-2 cluster of worlds in Ourora District comprised of Algarve, Cuene, Amazonas, Ceara, Bahia and Beira. The Quintas Alagoas-Cuene connects the Cuene Cluster to the Alagoas Trace.
cutter: a corvette or frigate of at least 200 displacement-tons but less than 400 tons (e.g. the standard Type-CE close escort which originally appeared in Supplement 7: Traders and Gunboats).
Ḍ'āhā: Original name of Hemera / Gaea (2419.18) before it was resettled by the Commonwealth of Earth. [Note: "Stark" is the name of the colonized world in the Hemera system (BD +04° 123) in 2300 AD. (AD00 Adventurer's Guide, p. 76; C31, pp. 47-51)]
Daikoku: The Kokopelli-class generation starship which brought the original colonists from Earth to Ulan-Ude / Sirius (1820.25). Named for a Human mythological deity, the Daikoku remains in service as the orbital element of the world's starport, commonly known as Daikoku High Port. [Note: "Daikoku" is the name of the colonized world in the Ulan-Ude system (β Hydri) in 2300 AD. (AD00 Adventurer's Guide, p. 80; AD13, pp. 51-53)]
demarchy: a type of Social Authority in which the governing authority rests with the governed policy itself. In a typical (democratic) demarchy, such as a participating democracy, the source of this authority comes from the consent of a majority of those in the governed polity. In an consensual demarchy, such as a clan or tribal group, the source of this authority comes from the participation of all of those in the governed polity (and is therefore typically only possible for smaller polities).
democratic (legitimacy): a source of Social Authority in which the legitimacy of the governing authority comes from the consent of a majority of those in the governed polity. In a democratic autarchy the legitimacy comes from the assent of a majority of the governed polity to the autarch's rule. In a democratic oligarchy the legitimacy comes from the assent of all of those in the governed polity to the oligarch's rule.
destroyer (or "destroyer boat"): an escort with one or more bay weapons (e.g. the Midu Agashaam-class destroyer escort which originally appeared in Supplement 9: Fighting Ships).
detached duty: In some circumstances, former Synodic Discovery Service personnel who have retired or otherwise left the service while in good standing are assigned a surplus sloop on "detached duty," for personal use by the former service member but subject to recall by the Discovery Service and activation (with crew) in emergency situations. Former Discovery Service personnel on detached duty are expected to continue their missionary activities under their own direction. In return, the ship can be fuelled and serviced (at no charge) at any Discovery Service facility. [This Discovery Service mustering out benefit is inspired by the benefit for Scouts which originally appeared in Traveller Book 1: Characters and Combat.]
disc: Standard astrographic concept for planes of space along a given zenith-nadir ("zz") coordinate, conceived of as successive one-parsec wide "discs" parallel to the galactic disc or equator. The z-coordinate value of discs decreases to upward — toward the galactic zenith — and increases to downward — toward the galactic nadir. In the Colonies Sphere, a "Disc" is the set of planes corresponding to the nine "discs" of Districts, giving a rectangular cube measuring 32 parsecs by 40 parsecs by nine parsecs and comprised of the discs of sixteen Districts. There are four Discs in the Colonies Sphere, identified as Discs 1 through 4, moving from upward to downward. See District, ring, spoke.
Discovery Service: The exploration and missionary service of the Abrahamic Synod. The Discovery Service has primary responsibility for survey of new systems as well as for contact with new cultures. The Scouts of the Discovery Service are renown throughout the Colonies Sphere for their scientific and surveying skills. The Discovery Service has also proven quite effective in spreading the Abrahamic faith among the new peoples contacted. It has shown greater success in gaining new members for its State than has any other scout service. Primarily because of this record of success the Discovery Service has been banned by most Colonial States from conducting operations on their respective worlds. Discovery Service teams are generally welcome on independent worlds due to their extensive record of aid to developing worlds. [From Melbourne Times #2]
District: Standard astrographic region in the Colonies Sphere developed by the Prometheus Foundation and defined as a rectangular cube measuring eight parsecs (spin-trailward) by ten parsecs (core-rimward) by nine parsecs (up-downward) and divided into 720 volumes of one cubic parsec each called "hex-prisms." Each hex-prisms is identified by a unique coordinate expressed in terms of an overall rectangular volume of 64 districts in the form xxyy.zz. The "xx" expresses the spin-trailward coordinate, the "yy" expresses the core-rimward coordinate and the "zz" expresses the up-downward (zenith-nadir) coordinate. Each of the 64 districts is identified by a name and location within the overall volume. [From Melbourne Times #5]
Domain of Trade: Government bureau responsible for Meren trade in the Colonies Sphere. The Domain of Trade has traditionally played a key role in the centrally-planned Meren economy but its responsibilities and activities have been in a state of transition — some observers say a state of chaos — since the advent of the Reformist Clique which has begun to implement limited free-market measures. In addition to being responsible for trade policy and for regulating interstellar commerce, the Domain of Trade also operates the most extensive shipping line among the Meren Worlds, including interface shipping to non-Meren Worlds.
Doris Anderson: The William Penn-class generation starship which brought the original colonists from Earth to Savannakhet / Vega (2324.16). Named for a 20th Century Human writer, the Doris Anderson was converted into an orbital starport facility which remains in service and is now commonly referred to as Doris Highport. [Note: "Doris" is the name of the Savannakhet system (BD +20° 5046) in 2300 AD. (AD00 Adventurer's Guide, p. 80; AD13, pp. 63-65)]
Dùkǒu: Original name of Lalibela / Sirius (1917.20) before it was resettled by the Commonwealth of Earth. [Note: "Dokou" is the name of the colonized world in the Lalibela system (ε Eridani) in 2300 AD. (AD00 Adventurer's Guide, p. 81; AD13, pp. 68-70)]
Earthfoods: major Commonwealth agricultural products corporation headquartered at Earth / Sirius.
Empire of Aztlán ("Imperio de Aztlán"): major Colonial State with capital at Aztlán / Procyon.
Empire of Shinnihon ("Shin Nihon Teikoku"): Colonial State with capital at Ehime / Ehime.
Endeavour: The Conestoga-class generation starship which brought the original colonists from Earth to Feng Po / Pollux (1020.14). Named for an 18th Century Human exploration ship, the Endeavour was eventually moved to a sunward orbit by the colonists and abandoned. [Note: "Crater" is the name of the settled world in the Feng Po system (Gliese 451 and Gliese 451.1) in 2300 AD; it was first surveyed, along with what were named "Henry's Star" and "Catherine's Star," by the starship "Endeavor" (sic). (AD13, pp. 22-25)]
Ensanche Archaeological Institute (EAI): A major Commonwealth research house, EAI is concerned exclusively with archaeological investigation of the early Terran sublight settlements made during the Runaway period. EAI is a privately-funded organization but it enjoys a close association with the University of Ensanche. Its archaeological teams are found throughout the Colonies Sphere and EAI enjoys good relations with most Colonial States — necessitated by the fact that there are actually few preserved sublight settlement sites in Commonwealth Space — especially with the Federation of Nyanza and the Abrahamic Synod. EAI is well financed and maintains a fleet of over 25 research vessels for its archaeological operations. [From Melbourne Times #4]
Epnyt: The Meren homeworld, located at hex-prism 1421.20 in the tentatively named Meren Sector, rim-trail-downward of the Colonies Sphere. No Terrans are known to have visited Epnyt. Meren activity in the Colonies Sphere is directed from the Meren-colonized world Dedn (2934.30-D3588B) in Europa District.
escort: a gunboat or warship without a spinal mount weapon. See corvette, destroyer and frigate.
Expansionist Clique: Conservative Meren political faction which held power throughout the Markets War period. Headed by Morrochai Gvo, former Meren Autarch, who was replaced as Autarch by Ivondond Verch of the Reformist Clique after an unsuccessful coup by reactionary Expansionist elements.
Federation of Nyanza ("Shirikisho la Nyanza"): major Colonial State with capital at Nyanza / Nyanza.
Finanzas Imperiales: major Aztlán communications and financial services corporation headquartered at Aztlán / Procyon.
FlashComm: Abrahamic Synod communications and financial services corporation headquartered at New Canaan/Gaea.
Foch-class frigate: The Foch-class frigate is a 400-ton, jump-4 Commonwealth warship designed for convoy protection and normal security patrols. Designed and built at General Hulls and Drives' Cayenne shipyards on Earth, Foch-class frigates are examples of cutting-edge performance for warships of similar mission focus. Most are assigned to garrison and patrol duties, or as part of a larger squadron fleet. They are often employed, too, on detached duty, performing a variety of special errands and missions. (The Foch-class design is inspired by the Lucifer-class destroyer escort which originally appeared in Adventure Class Ships, Volume 1.)
Folorunso Technologies: Major Nyanzan agricultural production and processing and manufacturing corporation headquartered at Nyanza / Nyanza.
Fomalhaut Rift: Region of empty space in Fomalhaut District which stretches generally from rim-spinward to core-trailward, making travel between the coreward-and-spinward regions of Fomalhaut and the trailward-and-rimward regions difficult. The J-3 trade route between Nifflheim and Marduk is the only connection between these two regions of Fomalhaut District available to non-military starships.
freighter: a ship intended for commerce with cargo displacement greater than passenger stateroom displacement.
frigate (or "frigate boat"): an unstreamlined or partially streamlined escort without bay weapons (e.g. the Chrysanthemum-class destroyer escort which originally appeared in Supplement 9: Fighting Ships). See barque, brigantine, schooner, cutter and sloop.
Frontier Metals and Machinery: major Commonwealth manufacturing and resources extraction corporation headquartered at Earth / Sirius. Frontier Metals and Machinery is a major supplier to the Commonwealth armed forces.
Gaea Starlines: Abrahamic Synod shipping and communications and financial services corporation headquartered at New Canaan / Gaea.
Gaez Gavvi Eudrael (GGE): Roughly translated as "External Security Directorate," the GGE is the primary Meren intelligence agency in the Colonies Sphere. Focused mainly on countering Aeroi efforts during the Markets War, its operations have been scaled back with the end of that conflict. Still, the GGE is believed to have recruited Dolphin and Human agents from most Colonial States in recent years. [From Melbourne Times #1]
galleon: a streamlined freighter or liner of greater than 1000 tons.
Ganesa: Current political and religious leader — titled "Supreme Asirant" — of the Abrahamic Synod.
Gaianism: Widespread religion among Colonial Sphere worlds that holds as its basic tenet that life-bearing worlds are single organisms. Gaians see their purpose as being to preserve such worlds and to learn to exist in harmony with the Lifeform, often referred to as "The Goddess." Gaianism traces its origins to the 20th Century when its basic premise was first proposed as a scientific theory for Earth. The Gaian concept was expanded to include other life-bearing worlds as Terrans ventured to other star systems in early sub-light ships. The Gaian faith had two main branches. The Considered branch sees a role for technology in the integration of society with life-bearing worlds. The minority Orthodox branch eschews all forms of technology. While Gaianism is but one of many religions among Humans it is by far the faith with the greatest number of Dolphin adherents. Total Gaian adherents number in the billions. [From Melbourne Times #4] (Also see "Gaianism," forthcoming, at Freelance Traveller.)
Gemeinwesen-Verbundfabriken: major Commonwealth organic and inorganic compounds producing corporation headquartered at Earth / Sirius.
General Hulls and Drives The largest corporation in the Commonwealth, General is the largest manufacturer of starships in the Colonies Sphere. General builds all classes of starships from private yachts to naval battleships at shipyards on both Commonwealth and independent worlds. In addition to its manufacturing operations, General is a major insurer in Commonwealth space. The company also has extensive holdings in the chemicals (primarily jump fuels) and mineral processing industries. [From Melbourne Times #2]
Golden Sun Industries: Major Nyanzan agricultural production and processing and manufacturing corporation headquartered at Nyanza / Nyanza.
Granjas Imperiales: major Aztlán agricultural products corporation headquartered at Aztlán / Procyon.
Großhiddenhafen: Original name of Nicobar / Jagannath (0923.13) when it was first settled by the generation starship from Earth; renamed when it was resettled by the Rajasthani Confederacy. [Note: "Großhiddenhafen" is the name of the settled world in the Nicobar system (BD +35° 2436) in 2300 AD. (AD34, p. 49; and ADCD "Near Star Map Stellar Data")]
Guāndōng: Original name of al-Ghazali / Sirius (2019.20) before it was resettled by the Commonwealth of Earth. [Note: "Kwantung" (sic) is the name of the colonized world in the al-Ghazali system (τ Ceti) in 2300 AD. (AD00 Adventurer's Guide, p. 81; AD13, pp. 66-67; C65, pp. 47-51)]
Guardian Service: The military service of the Abrahamic Synod. The Guardian Service has primary responsibility for both planetary and space-borne defense of the Synod's member worlds. The Guardian Service is a completely integrated military force with no distinctions made between planetary and space-borne operations. The charter of the Guardians forbids offensive operations outside of Abrahamic space making it the only truly defensive military force among the Colonial States. Nevertheless, the Guardian Service has a wide reputation as a highly efficient and well-armed military organization. [From Melbourne Times #3]
gunboat: a non-jump-capable ship intended for combat.
Gvo, Morrochai: Former Meren Autarch and leader of the Expansionist Clique who, after an unsuccessful coup by reactionary elements of the Clique, was replaced as autarch by Ivondond Verch. Gvo had attempted to engage in a wide-ranging reform effort but faced stiff opposition from within his own Clique, which was subsequently supplanted by Verch's Reformist Clique.
Hǎifēng: Original name of Hǎishén / Gaea (2118.18) before it was resettled by the Commonwealth of Earth. [Note: "Haifeng" (sic) is the name of the colonized world in the Hǎishén system (Gliese 83.1) in 2300 AD. (T23 "Near Star List," p. 4)]
hajji: An Abrahamic pilgrim who has chosen to undertake the hajj to wander among the people in order to spread the faith and seek common wisdom. Hajji are often found among the less developed worlds of the Synod and are looked to by many settlements for spiritual teaching. They are often found serving as more ordinary teachers and medics as well. The hajj is undertaken at the individuals whim but most hajji begin their pilgrimages shortly after completing their initial religious studies. Conditions are sometimes harsh and often require exceptional endurance. A typical hajj lasts five years although some have been known to continue the hajj for decades. While the hajj is not a required observance of the Abrahamic faith it is undertaken by many, especially among those who eventually serve in the administration of the Synod. Every person to serve as Supreme Aspirant has undertaken the hajj at some point. [From Melbourne Times #3]
Hakushoku Waisei Heavy Industries: independent manufacturing and resources extraction corporation in Sirius District headquartered at Van Maanen's Belt.
Hām̐ṭujala Vado Drive Company: Commonwealth shipbuilding and manufacturing corporation which also has extensive resources processing and communications services operations. Headquartered at Earth, Hām̐ṭujala Vado Drive builds all classes of starships from sloops and traders to battleships at shipyards throughout the Commonwealth and on many independent worlds.
Hán Shān: Original name of Astarte / Fomalhaut (1822.24) before it was resettled by the Commonwealth of Earth. [Note: "Cold Mountain" is the name of the colonized world in the Astarte system (δ Pavonis) in 2300 AD. (AD00 Adventurer's Guide, p. 80; AD13, pp. 47-50)]
Hēi'àn zhī jiā: Original name of Sikkim / Jagannath (0923.13) when it was first settled by the generation starship from Earth; renamed when it was resettled by the Rajasthani Confederacy. [Note: "Dunkelheim" is the name of the settled world in the Sikkim system (BD +36° 2393) in 2300 AD. (AD00 Adventurer's Guide, p. 82; AD13, pp. 38-40)]
Heidelsheimat: Original name of Bakwanga / Sirius (2019.24) before it was resettled by the Commonwealth of Earth. [Note: "Heidelsheimat" (sic) is the name of the colonized world in the Bakwanga system (ρ Eridani) in 2300 AD. (AD00 Adventurer's Guide, p. 81; AD13, pp. 57-59)]
Hermes: The Kokopelli-class generation starship which brought the original colonists from Earth to Shirak / Vega (1727.15). Named for a Human mythological deity, the Hermes remains in service as the world's starport, commonly known as Hermes High Port. [Note: "Hermes" is the name of the colonized world in the Shirak system (μ Herculis) in 2300 AD. (AD00 Adventurer's Guide, p. 79; AD13, pp. 11-14; AD34, pp. 85-87; C67, p. 38)]
High-order Robot: A term used to describe advanced Robots with bioneural processors. High-order Robots are self-aware and are indistinguishable in behavior from sophonts. Some individuals, including some Robots, claim that high-order Robots are true sentient beings deserving recognition as sophonts. This view remains highly controversial and many societies in the Colonies Sphere refuse to recognize and form of Robot self-determination. [From Melbourne Times #5]
Hóng diǎn: Original name of Hanuman / Jagannath (1625.14) when it was first settled by the generation starship from Earth; renamed when it was resettled by the Rajasthani Confederacy. [Note: "Red Speck" is the name of the settled world in the Hanuman system (Gliese 661) in 2300 AD. (T23 "Near Star List," p. 5)]
Húnjiāng: Original name of Saavedra / Sirius (2020.22) when it was first settled by colonists aboard a Southern Cross-class sub-light starship. When contact was reestablished in the late 27th Century few of the original colonists had survived. The world was renamed when the Commonwealth established a new colony. [Note: "Hunjiang" is the name of the Saavedra (Gliese 1) system in 2300 AD. (T23 "Near Star List," p. 4)]
Ibn Battuta-class sloop: The Ibn Battuta-class is a 100-ton, jump-2 Nyanzan sloop designed for frontier scouting and courier duties. Designed by Golden Sun Industries and built at shipyards across the Federation, Ibn Battuta-class sloops are the Federation Scout Services' most common starship. (The Ibn Battuta-class design is inspired by the standard Type-S scout/courier which originally appeared in Traveller Book 2: Starships.)
ikrahanbe: Aeroi meditative state commonly used as a means of focusing intellectual effort on a particular problem. Often used during trade negotiations, the technique involves the complete encirclement of the Aeroi by its membranous wings in concert with a semi-conscious mental state. The process seldom lasts more than a few minutes. After emerging from ikrahanbe, Aeroi are usually able to present a proposal that is agreeable to all parties concerned. The technique is sometimes unsettling to non-Aeroi who confuse it with some sort of psionic talent. The Aeroi claim the process is strictly internal to the practitioner and several independent examinations have failed to detect any evidence of psionic activity. [From Melbourne Times #2]
Imminent Spark: Mysterious organization active in the Republic of Kiangsi that opposes Terran interstellar expansion. The group has been linked by Kiangsi authorities to several terrorist attacks against ecological targets on worlds in Kiangsi district. [From Melbourne Times #5]
Imperatriz Maria-class freighter: The Imperatriz Maria-class is a 600-ton, jump-3 Ouroran freighter designed for long-haul commercial route service. Designed by Casa Carneiro and built at shipyards across the Community, Imperatriz Maria-class freighters are common throughout Ouroran space and on many interface routes with neighbouring polities. (The Imperatriz Maria-class design is inspired by the standard Type-M subsidized merchant which originally appeared in Traveller Book 2: Starships.)
Industrias Huītzilōpōchtli: major Aztlán manufacturuing corporation headquartered at Aztlán / Procyon.
Jean-Baptiste Bessières: The Bonaparte-class generation starship which brought the original colonists from Earth to K'ang-hsi / Pollux (1519.18). Named for an 18th Century Human military leader. The starship suffered a near-catastrophic failure early in its journey resulting in the abandoning of its original destination and the colony starting out under exceptionally harsh and primitive conditions. [Note: "Bessieres" is the name of the K'ang-hsi system (Gliese 411 and Gliese 411.1) in 2300 AD. (T23 "Near Star List," p. 1)]
Jean-Mathieu Sérurier: The Bonaparte-class generation starship which brought the original colonists to Ezana / Fomalhaut (1823.20). Named for an 18th Century Human military leader, the Jean-Mathieu Sérurier was dismantled by the colonists — primarily to repurpose its power planet for use on the planet — during the Break-up. [Note: "Serurier" (sic) is the name of the Ezana system (Ross 154) in 2300 AD. (T23 "Near Star List," p. 6)]
Jiating Shijie Chemicals and Compounds: an independent manufacturing and resources extraction corporation in Sirius District headquartered at Van Maanen's Belt / Sirius.
Jodhpur-class destroyer: The Jodhpur-class is a 3000-ton, jump-4 Rajasthani destroyer designed for patrol and escort duties. Designed by the Confederate Navy and based on the Commonwealth of Earth's Yama-class destroyer, Jodhpur-class destroyers will be built by Mazgaon Dock Ltd. and by Ganges Gravitics at their respective Highport shipyards at Rajsathan. (The Jodhpur-class design is inspired by the Midu Agashaam-class destroyer which originally appeared in Supplement 9: Fighting Ships.)
John Broward: The Anna Mungunda-class sub-light starship which brought the original colonists from Earth to Vindhya / Siddhārtha (1524.20). Named after a 23rd Century Human political figure, the John Broward was abandoned by the original colonists but recommissioned as an orbital facility after contact was regained with Earth. It now serves as the orbital element of the world's starport and is commonly referred to as Broward Station. [Note: "Broward" is the name of the settled world in the Jabir system (Wolf 359) in 2300 AD; it is apparently named after a fictional historical figure in the 2300 AD campaign. (T23 "Near Star List," p. 1)]
jump drive (also "BenShimon-Guillaume Drive"): the primary technology which makes interstellar travel possible by transiting a "jumping" ship through hyperspace, resulting in seemingly faster-than-light travel in normal-space. To safely begin the jump, ships must be clear of planetary or stellar gravity wells (typically beyond 100 planetary — or stellar — diameters) and must end the "jump" similarly clear of all gravity wells at the destination. Standard jump ranges are measured in parsecs with "jump-4" — a jump distance of four parsecs — being the maximum range at current technological capabilities (though farther jump ranges are theoretically possible). A typical jump takes approximately one week (about 170 hours) regardless of the actual distance travelled. While in hyperspace, a ship is incapable of sensing or communicating with normal-space and cannot be detected from normal-space. Ships in hyperspace are also unable to detect or communicate with each other.
jump-point (also "jump-sphere"): The point free from a stellar or planetary gravity well at which a starship may safely enter — and exit — jump space, typically at a distance of 100 diameters for many stars, gas giants and rocky-body planets — therefore forming a conceptual "jump-sphere" around the star or planet. To safely begin the jump, ships must be clear of planetary or stellar gravity wells and must end the jump similarly clear of stellar and planetary gravity wells at the destination. (The 100 diameter "limit" is a practical, experiential guideline which breaks down for stars and planets with atypical density, for smaller bodies such as planetoids and for large, massive artificial structures, including ships.) Star systems with multiple bodies have a jump-point cascade of jump-spheres around each body in the system from the most massive to the least massive. The jump-point of the most massive star in a system — the J-1 jump-sphere — is where a ship with J-1 jump capability can safely enter the system. A J-2 jump capable starship may also safely enter the system at the J-2 jump-sphere around the next most massive body (or at the J-1 jump-sphere, at the discretion of the jump navigator). A J-3 jump capable ship may safely enter at the J-3 jump-sphere around the third most massive body (or at the J-1 or J-2 jump-spheres) and a J-4 capable ship may safely enter at the J-4 jump-sphere around the fourth most massive body (or at the J-1, J-2 or J-3 jump-spheres). (B02, pp. 1 & 4; J22, pp. 27-28; "Jump Drive" and "Jump Drive History")
KRW Industries: A major Commonwealth mercantile house with operations primarily in resources extraction and processing and manufacturing. KRW (which stands for founders Kirov, Rao and Wu) also has major agricultural processing holdings. Its facilities are located throughout the Commonwealth and on many Commonwealth client worlds. [From Melbourne Times #3]
Klenova-class scout/explorer: The Klenova-class scout/explorer is a streamlined, 200-ton, jump-1 Commonwealth Scout Service starship designed for detailed survey operations. Designed by General Hulls and Drives and built at shipyards across the Commonwealth, Klenova-class scout/explorers are the workhorse of the Scout Service. Multiple examples of the class are typically present at any Scout base, either in the shipyard for repair or simply transiting through to their next destination. Because the class has been in service for many years, it is also not uncommon to find surplus Klenova-class ships being operated by a variety of commercial enterprises and research organizations. (The Klenova-class design is based upon the standard Type-Y yacht which originally appeared in Traveller Book 2: Starships — with the addition of atmospheric streamlining and the conversion of six staterooms into additional fuel tankage to enable two consecutive jumps without refuelling.)
Kumwanza Shipwrights: Major Nyanzan manufacturing and shipyards corporation headquartered at Nyanza / Nyanza.
Kwame Nkrumah: The William Penn-class generation starship which brought the original colonists to Nyanza. Named for a 20th Century Human political leader. The former starship — which served as the starport highport for decades — has since been converted into a museum.
Labrysarms: independent manufacturing operations and shipyards corporation in Pollux District headquartered at Clytemnestra. Also engaged in resources extraction at Esau, Frey, Fei Lien, Artemis, Proteus and K'ang-hsi.
Lerax-class schooner: The Lerax-class schooner is a 400-ton, jump-3 Synodic warship designed for customs inspections, piracy suppression and normal security patrols. Designed by Nyx Shipwrights and built at shipyards across the Synod, Lerax-class schooners are common in border regions. At least one of the class is typically present at any frontier Guardian base, either in the shipyard for repair or at base in between patrols. Because the class has been in service for many years, it is not uncommon to find surplus Lerax-class schooners operated by a variety of private entities. (The Lerax-class design is based upon the standard Type-T patrol cruiser that originally appeared in Traveller Book 2: Starships, 2nd. ed.)
Lineas Aztlán: One of the major Empire of Aztlán interstellar carriers, Lineas Aztlán liners and freighters are common throughout Empire space and beyond. Lineas Aztlán, headquartered at Aztlán / Procyon, operates interface routes to all major Colonial States. Lineas Aztlán's origins as a passenger carrier are now reflected only in its name, with full freight services offered on all routes.
liner: a ship intended for commerce with passenger stateroom displacement greater than cargo displacement.
Laurent Wiseman: The Jacques Cartier-class sub-light starship which brought the original colonists from Nouveau Quebec / Arcturus (0524.17) to Argenteuil / Arcturus (0824.16). Named for a 23rd Century Human designer and strategist, the Wiseman was converted into an orbital starport facility which remains in service and is now commonly referred to as Haut-Port Wiseman. [Note: "Wiseman" is the name of a planet in the Argenteuil system (BD +18° 2776) in 2300 AD. (AD14, pp. 77-80; AD34, p. 48; and ADCD "Near Star Map Stellar Data")]
Louis-Alexandre Berthier: The Bonaparte-class generation starship which brought the original colonists from Earth to Frey / Pollux (1019.11). Named for an 18th Century Human military leader. The starship suffered a navigation failure causing it to miss its originally-intended destination. The crew and colonists chose to abandon the starship in-flight to make their way to the nearest seemingly habitable world; the abandoned starship continues to make its way through deep-space. [Note: "Berthier" is the name of the Frey system (BD +49° 2079) in 2300 AD. (T23 "Near Star List," p. 1)]
Louis-Nicolas Davout: The Bonaparte-class generation starship which brought the original colonists to Luxor / Fomalhaut (1723.22). Named for an 18th Century Human military leader. The Davout was ultimately abandoned by the colonists and remains in orbit above the planet. [Note: "Davout" is the name of the Luxor system in 2300 AD. (T23 "Near Star List," p. 1; C33 pp. 44-48)]
Lucent Templars: An elite military order of the Abrahamic Synod whose members are found throughout the Synod's integrated military service. Appointment to the order is made personally by the Supreme Aspirant and entails extensive, and highly secret, religious and military training. Claims that this includes training in psionic disciplines have been vehemently denied by the order and have never been substantiated by reliable sources. [From Melbourne Times #1] (Also see "The Lucent Templars" at Freelance Traveller.)
Maeda-Akamatsu Heavy Industries: Shinnihon shipbuilder, manufacturing and financial services corporation headquartered at Ehime / Ehime.
Marco Polo: The Zheng He-class generation starship which crashlanded on arrival at al-Hariri/Sirius. A small number of the ship's complement survived the crash but were unable to maintain any semblance of technological civilization. Their devolved descendants became the Marloks. Named for a Human merchant-explorer who travelled overland between Europe and Asia in the 13th Century, the Marco Polo was extensively scavenged by the survivors but the ship wreckage remains a significant landmark.
Margaret Howe: The William Penn-class generation starship which brought the original colonists to Therid. Named for a 20th Century Human researcher whose efforts to speak with Dolphins were unsuccessful, the Margaret Howe was converted into an orbital starport facility and is now commonly referred to as Therid Highport.
Markets War: Period of confrontation (c2955-3000) between Aeroi and Meren interests over access to markets in the Colonies Sphere. While the two entities never actually met in all-out war, each was involved in various activities, including market monopolization, military support of local governments and indigenous guerrilla movements, commercial and political espionage, financial leveraging and arbitrage, and industrial and mercantile sabotage, that resulted in often intense tension in the region. Ended with the political collapse of the Meren Expansionist Clique and the mysterious withdraw of many Meren elements to their own sphere. [From Melbourne Times #1]
Martin Luther King Jr.: The William Penn-class generation starship which brought the original colonists from Earth to Raja / Siddhārtha (1627.19). Named for a 20th Century Human political figure, the King was converted into an orbital starport facility which remains in service and is now commonly referred to as King High Port. [Note: "[Martin Luther] King [Jr.]" is the name of the colonized world in the Raja system (η Boötis) in 2300 AD. (AD00 Adventurer's Guide, p. 79; AD13, pp. 80-84)]
Mathieu Da Costa: The William Penn-class generation starship which brought the original colonists to Nouveau Québec. Named for a 16th/17th Century Human explorer and interpreter who played a key role in early French colonization of North America, the former starship — much refurbished but no longer able to travel interstellar (or even interplanetary) distances — continues to serve as the world's highport.
Maza-class frigate: The Maza-class frigate is a 300-ton, jump-4 Aztlán warship designed for convoy protection and normal security patrols. Designed by Astilleros Aztlán and built at its Cárdenas shipyards on Aztlán, Maza-class frigates are the Aztlán Navy's most common frontier patrol vessel. (The Maza-class design is inspired by the Gazelle-class close escort which originally appeared in Journal of the Travellers's Aid Society #4.)
merchant (ship): a streamlined freighter or liner of at least 400 tons but less than 600 tons (e.g. the standard Type-R subsidized merchant which originally appeared in Traveller Book 2: Starships).
Metalstar: Commonwealth resources extraction and processing corporation headquartered at Van Maanen's Belt/Sirius.
Minas Chicomoztoca: major Aztlán resources production and extraction and manufacturuing corporation headquartered at Sonora / Procyon.
Minerales Procyon: major Aztlán resources production and extraction corporation headquartered at Sonora / Procyon.
Mokhette & Viljoen: Major Nyanzan communications and financial services corporation headquartered at Nyanza / Nyanza.
Monosentients: Political movement in the Theridian League that holds that Dolphins are the only truly sentient species and that all other sophont races are inferior. A group of Monosentients attempted to overthrow the League Government in 2983 and seized control of several League worlds before finally being overcome. Subsequent investigations indicated that the movement enjoyed widespread support among many members of the Government itself and extensive efforts were taken to remove those individuals from the Government. [From Melbourne Times #4]
Montaña: Original name of Novo Uralsk / Sirius (1916.20) before it was resettled by the Commonwealth of Earth. [Note: "Montana" (sic) is the name of the colonized world in the Novo Uralsk system (Omincron2 Eridani) in 2300 AD. (AD00 Adventurer's Guide, p. 81; AD13, pp. 71-73)]
Tirane: The Montevideo-class sub-light starship which was the first starship from Earth to travel to Issuk Kul / Procyon (1620.20) after the Break-up. [Note: "Tirane" is the name of the Issuk Kul system (α Centauri) in 2300 AD. (AD00 Adventurer's Guide, p. 84; AD13, pp. 3-5)]
Mutarada Financial: an independent financial and communications services corporation in Sirius District headquartered at Takla Makan / Sirius, also with operations at Van Maanen's Belt and al-Mansur.
Muntu War (2967-68): Military action between Aztlán and local forces in Muntu district in which two worlds were seized by Aztlán. [From Melbourne Times #5]
Naming Lottery: Common practice on most generation ships in which, upon arrival at the destination, a passenger was selected by lottery to name the world. Winners were encouraged to chose as a name their place of origin on Earth, with the result being that many settled worlds in the Colonies Sphere are named for geographic regions on Earth. Winners often chose their place of birth or the place where they last resided before boarding the generation ship, though sometimes the chosen name was for a place with which they enjoyed some other sort of connection. (Of course, not all worlds were named in this manner and some worlds have since adopted — or been given — different names.) The practice originated as a means of avoiding conflicts among the original settlers over the naming of the world.
Nature Compounds: Abrahamic Synod agricultural production and processing corporation headquartered at New Canaan / Gaea.
Neil Armstrong: The Yuri Gagarin-class generation starship which brought the original colonists from Earth to Kasai / Vega (1728.12). Named for an early Human space explorer, the Neil Armstrong was eventually moved to a decaying sunward orbit by the colonists and ultimately destroyed in the sun. [Note: "Highland" is the name of the settled world in the Kasai system (BD +38° 3095) in 2300 AD; it was first surveyed by the starship "Armstrong." ("Highland," C44, pp. 55-62)]
New Canaan Merchants: Abrahamic Synod financial and communications services and manufacturing corporation headquartered at New Canaan / Gaea.
New Melbourne: Original name of Ndakaaru / Jagannath (1627.17) when it was first settled by the generation starship from Earth; renamed when it was resettled by the Federation of Nyanza. [Note: "New Melbourne" is the name of the Ndakaaru system (Gliese 686) in 2300 AD. (T23 "Near Star List," p. 5)]
Niǎo jiā: Original name of Nouveau Soulanges / Arcturus (0822.13) when it was first settled by the generation starship from Earth; renamed when it was resettled by the Quebecer Republic. [Note: "Vogelheim" is the name of the Nouveau Soulanges system (Gliese 484.1) in 2300 AD. (T23 "Near Star List," p. 6; AD00 Adventurer's Guide, p. 84; AD13, pp. 33-35; AD34, pp. 44-47)]
Nibelungen: The Völsunga-class sub-light starship which brought the original colonists from Earth to Anokye / Pollux (1419.16). Named for a medieval Human mythological clan, the Nibelungen was converted into an orbital starport facility which remains in service and is now commonly referred to as Nibelungen High Port. [Note: "Nibelungen" is the name of the colonized world in the Anokye system (Gliese 380) in 2300 AD. (AD00 Adventurer's Guide, p. 83; AD13, pp. 6-10)]
Nyanza Trace: A J-1 trace of worlds in Nyanza District comprised of Nyanza, Hardap and Kavango. The Pengo Daraja connects the Nyanza Trace to other Nyanzan worlds in the District.
Nyx Shipwrights: Abrahamic Synod shipbuilding and manufacturing and resources extraction and production corporation headquartered at New Canaan / Gaea.
obu-Pikot: The Aeroi homeworld, located at hex-prism 2421.25 in the tentatively named Aeroi Sector, core-upward of the Colonies Sphere. Only a small number of Terrans are known to have visited obu-Pikot, all on an informal or ad hoc basis. Aeroi activity in the Colonies Sphere is managed from the Aeroi-settled world hvi-Unapfi (1909.09-A4585B) in Auriga District.
Oceanfarms: Major Commonwealth agricultural products corporation headquartered at Earth / Sirius. As its name suggests, Oceanfarms began as an aquaculture enterprise but has grown to a full-spectrum agricultural producer and processor.
oligarchy: a type of Social Authority in which the governing authority rests with a group of individuals. In an autocratic oligarchy, such as a mercenary band or family-owned commercial enterprise, the source of this authority comes from the oligarchs' ability to compel others, typically by force (and therefore usually only possible for small groups). In a democratic oligarchy, such as representative democracy (e.g. republic), a public service bureaucracy or a feudal aristocracy, the source of this authority comes from the consent of a majority of those in the governed polity. In an consensual oligarchy, such as a large commercial enterprise or a religious dictatorship (e.g. theocracy), the source of this authority comes from the consent of all of those in the governed polity.
Operators Guild ("Guilda dos Operadores"): One of the largest Ouroran Guilds, the Operators Guild is composed of equipment, vehicle, craft and ship operators of all sorts. The Guild is divided into three Branches. The Equipment Branch includes robot operators, fire-fighters, port dusters and a variety of other heavy equipment operators. The Vehicle and Craft Branch includes primarily drivers, sailors and flyers. The Vessel Branch includes starship pilots, navigators, engineers, gunners and other large ship operators. The Operators Guild sets standards for its members, promotes licensing and registration for operators, provides training and apprenticeship programs, and represents guild member interests with the mercantile Houses. [From Melbourne Times #3]
Orden Adamante: The highest military order in the Empire of Aztlán, the Adamant Knights are selected by the Empress for exemplary conduct in combat. [From Melbourne Times #5]
Order of the Atom: The principal natural sciences academic and professional order in the Abrahamic Synod. See Order of the Axiom and Order of Society.
Order of the Axiom: The principal formal sciences academic and professional order in the Abrahamic Synod. See Order of the Atom and Order of Society.
Order of Society: The principal social sciences academic and professional order in the Abrahamic Synod. See Order of the Atom and Order of the Axiom.
Ouroran Community ("Comunidade Ourorana"): major Colonial State with capital at Amazonas / Ourora.
packet (ship): a streamlined freighter or liner of at least 100 tons but less than 200 tons (e.g. the Type-J seeker which originally appeared in Supplement 7: Traders and Gunboats).
Pan Commonwealth Starlines: One of the major Commonwealth interstellar carriers, Pan Commonwealth liners and freighters are common throughout Commonwealth space. Pan Commonwealth operates interface routes to all major Colonial States as well as shorter feeder routes to most Commonwealth worlds.
Pathfinder: The Pioneer-class sub-light starship which brought the original colonists from Earth to Jabir / Procyon (1519.19). The Pathfinder remains in service as the orbital element of the world's starport and is now commonly referred to as Pathfinder Station. [Note: "Nyotekundu" (sic — "Nyota Nyekundu" means "Red Star" in Swahili) is the name of the Jabir system (Wolf 359) in 2300 AD; it was first surveyed by the starship "Pathfinder." (AD12, pp. 3-9)]
Pengo Daraja ("Gap Bridge"): A J-2 jump bridge operated by the Federation of Nyanza between the worlds Luapula and Hardap in Nyanza District to facilitate travel between the Nyanza Trace and the other Nyanzan worlds in the District. A subsidy provides refined fuel at the deep space refueling point (at hex-prism 1231.12) at standard prices to Nyanzan-registered ships while non-Nyanzan ships are charged a ten percent premium.
Ponte de Fenda ("Rift Bridge"): A J-3 jump bridge operated by Casa Moreira between the worlds Amazonas and Rondonia in Ourora District to facilitate travel between the Ouroran Community and Fomahaut District to coreward. Moreira provides unrefined and refined fuel at the deep space refueling point (at hex-prism 2032.24) at standard prices to Ouroran-registered ships while non-Ouroran ships are charged a premium. The location also enables J-2 travel between Amazonas and Paraiba.
PN&A Resources: Major Nyanzan resources extraction and processing corporation headquartered at Nyanza / Nyanza.
Prometheus Foundation: An independent research and development house that has been instrumental in the dissemination of technology throughout the Colonies Sphere. Prometheus agents and researches are encountered throughout the Sphere wherever technology is being developed. Many states are critical of the Foundation's insistence on sharing its technological innovations but none have been willing to forego the advantages of cooperation with the Foundation. The Prometheus Foundation's origins trace back to a late 20th Century arms manufacturer that translated military technology into commercial technology for developing nations. Among its more famous accomplishments has been the district organization used by most States in the Sphere that was developed to foster cooperation across borders. The Prometheus Foundation also provides minimum starport facilities throughout the Sphere where such facilities are beyond the capability of individual worlds. [From Melbourne Times #1]
Puente Baluarte ("Bastion Bridge"): Subsidized jump-4 trade route in Procyon District between the Aztlán worlds Nuevo California and Cibola, which includes an intermediate port at Veracruz, four parsecs from Cibola (but just three parsecs from Nuevo California). The trade route connects Aztlán and other worlds in the coreward portion of the district with Nuevo California and neighbouring worlds which are innaccessible at lower jump ranges. Travel along the trade route is subsidized by the Empire of Aztlán with jump-4 passenger and freight liners operated jointly by Lineas Aztlán and Transporte Aztlán. Besides its jump-4 liners, the Puente Baluarte consortium operates a handful of jump-4 ferries — surplus Armada battle carriers — which carry shorter-range starships between Cibola and Veracruz.
Qìnyuán: Original name of Ensanche / Sirius (1919.20) when it was first settled by colonists aboard a Southern Cross-class sub-light starship. When contact was reestablished in the late 27th Century few of the original colonists had survived. The world was renamed when the Commonwealth established a new colony. [Note: "Qinyuan" (sic) is the name of the Ensanche system in 2300 AD. (T23 "Near Star List," p. 5)]
Quebecer Republic ("République Québécoise"): Colonial State with capital at Nouveau Québéc / Arcturus.
Quintas Alagoas-Cunene ("Alagoas-Cunene Waypoints"): A complex jump bridge operated jointly by Casa Moreira and Casa Silveira between the worlds Alagoas and Cunene in Ourora District to facilitate J-2 travel between the Alagoas Trace and the Cuene Cluster. Moreira and Silveira provide unrefined and refined fuel at the deep space refueling points (at hex-prisms 1834.21, 1834.22, 1834.23 and 1834.24) at standard prices to Ouroran-registered ships while non-Ouroran ships are charged a premium.
Raijin no Taiko ("Raijin's Drums"): planetiod belt in the Raijin system (Procyon 1520.23), in the next orbit out from that of the mainworld, Raijin. Site of extensive planetoid mining operations.
Rajasthani Confederacy ("Raajasthaanee Parisangh"): Colonial State with capital at Rajasthan / Jagannath.
Realm of Hejaz ("al-Mamlaka al-Hijāz"): Colonial State with capital at Hejaz / Hejaz.
Reformist Clique: Recently-established reformist Meren political faction which came to power after former Meren Autarch, Morrochai Gvo, was nearly deposed by reactionist elements in his Expansionist Clique. Headed by Ivondond Verch who, having succeeded Gvo as Autarch after the foiled coup, moved quickly to bring the Markets War to an end.
Registaan Farms: an independent agricultural production and processing corporation in Sirius District headquartered at Takla Makan / Sirius.
Regulus: The Sirius-class generation starship which brought the original colonists from Earth to Marut / Jagannath (1121.15). Named for one of the brightest stars seen from Earth, the Regulus continues to serve as the orbital component of the world's starport, known commonly as "Regulus Station." [Note: "Kimanjano" is the name of the settled world in the Marut system (BD +34 2342) in 2300 AD; it was first surveyed by the starship "Regulas" (sic). (AD00 Adventurer's Guide, p. 83; AD13, pp. 15-18)]
Republic of Kiangsi ("Jiāngxī Mínguó"): Colonial State with capital at Kiangsi / Kiangsi.
ring: Standard astrographic concept for planes of space along a given core-rim ("yy") coordinate, conceived of as successive one-parsec wide "rings" emanating from the centre of the galaxy. The y-coordinate value of Rings decreases to coreward — toward the galactic centre — and increases to rimward — toward the galactic rim. In the Colonies Sphere, a "Ring" is the set of planes corresponding to the ten "rings" of Districts, giving a rectangular cube measuring 32 parsecs by ten parsecs by 36 parsecs and comprised of the rings of sixteen Districts. There are four Rings in the Colonies Sphere, identified as Rings 1 through 4, moving from coreward to rimward. See District, disc, spoke.
Runaway: period in the late 24th Century when several generation ships were quickly launched in an effort to escape the physical destruction and social disruption of the Break-up. Many Colonial State worlds were settled by ships which fled Earth during the Runaway. (This period was often called the Sundering by those who fled Earth.)
Sable-class barque: The Sable-class is an 800-ton, jump-3 Aztlán barque designed for small-unit combat operations. Designed by Astilleros Aztlán and built at shipyards across the Empire, Sable-class barques operate throughout Aztlán space and on many independent worlds in neighbouring regions. (The Sable-class design is inspired by the standard Type-C mercenary cruiser which originally appeared in Traveller Book 2: Starships.)
Sandsifter, HowardCarter "Aitchsee": archaeologist with the Ensanche Research Institute; along with his colleague Alabama Wang, discovered the Gilgamesh-class generation ship Saladin on Livingstone/Nyanza; lost in an apparent misjump from Livingstone.
Sankuru Trace: A J-1 trace of worlds in Nyanza District comprised of Siaya, Sankuru and Maniema.
Sanshainfāmu: major Shinnihon agricultural products corporation headquartered at Ehime / Ehime; has agricultural production and processing operations in Pollux District with headquarters at Yamaguchi.
Santa Fe War (2948-49): Military action between Aztlán and local forces in Santa Fe district in which two worlds were seized by Aztlán. [From Melbourne Times #1]
São Paulo: Original name of Aoki / Procyon (1617.19) before it was resettled by the Commonwealth of Earth. [Note: "[São] Paulo" is the name of the colonized world in the Siguiri system (Procyon) in 2300 AD. (AD00 Adventurer's Guide, p. 81; AD13, pp. 77-79)]
schooner: a corvette or frigate of at least 400 displacement-tons but less than 600 tons (e.g. the standard Type-T patrol cruiser which originally appeared in Traveller Book 2: Starships, 2nd. ed.).
ShambaPharm: Major Nyanzan agricultural production and processing and resources extraction and processing corporation headquartered at Nyanza / Nyanza.
Shùlín: Original name of Udaipur / Sirius (2020.26) before it was resettled by the Commonwealth of Earth. [Note: "Syuhlahm" (sic) is the name of the colonized world in the Udaipur system (ζ Tucanae) in 2300 AD. (AD00 Adventurer's Guide, p. 81; AD13, pp. 54-56)]
Silk Road Lines: independent shipping line in Sirius District headquartered at Takla Makan / Sirius.
sloop: a corvette or frigate of at least 100 displacement-tons but less than 200 tons (e.g. the standard Type-S scout/courier which originally appeared in Traveller Book 2: Starships).
Spartan Princess: independent shipping and communications services corporation in Pollux District headquartered at Clytemnestra, where it also has manufacturing operations and shipyards.
spoke: Standard astrographic concept for planes of space along a given spin-trailing ("xx") coordinate, conceived of as successive one-parsec wide "spokes" emanating from the centre of the galaxy (and assumed to be parallel at the distance of the Colonies Sphere from the galactic centre). The x-coordinate value of spokes decreases to spinward — in the direction of galactic spin — and increases to trailward — away from the direction of galactic spin. In the Colonies Sphere, a "Spoke" is the set of planes corresponding to the eight "spokes" of Districts, giving a rectangular cube measuring eight parsecs by 40 parsecs by 36 parsecs and comprised of the spokes of sixteen Districts. There are four Spokes in the Colonies Sphere, identified as Spokes 1 through 4, moving from spinward to trailwardward. See District, disc, ring.
Sundering: period in the late 24th Century when several generation ships were quickly launched from Earth in an effort to escape the physical destruction and social disruption of the Break-up. Many Colonial State worlds were settled by ships which fled Earth during the Sundering. (This period is typically called the Runaway on Earth.)
TaSK module: Task Specific Knowledge module. A removable, interchangeable processor for autonomous robots. The TaSK concept evolved from the need to provide the greatest variety of capabilities for autonomous robots while at the same time not increasing on-board volume or mass. TaSK modules are a complete package of processing knowledge for a related task area such as ship navigation and piloting or diplomatic interaction. TaSK modules for unrelated areas of knowledge can be interchanged, in effect giving the robot a completely new area of capability. Of course all knowledge of the previous area is removed with its TaSK module. TaSK modules can be purchased separately and are usually carried in a dedicated stowage container. Standardized interfaces make most modules interchangeable among most robots. Some manufacturers have designed the robot TaSK module interface such that the robot can not change the module itself but instead requires the assistance of another being. [From Melbourne Times #3]
Tereshkova-class sloop: The Tereshkova-class is a 100-ton, jump-2 Commonwealth sloop designed for frontier scouting and courier duties. Designed by General Hulls and Drives and built at shipyards across the Commonwealth, Tereshkova-class sloops are the Commonwealth Scout Services' most common starship. (The Tereshkova-class design is inspired by the standard Type-S scout/courier which originally appeared in Traveller Book 2: Starships.)
Theridian League: Colonial State with capital at Therid / Therid.
Togugawa-Nederhaus: the major Commonwealth financial services corporation is also a major supplier of communications services. Togugawa-Nederhaus also resources extraction and processing operations on many worlds in the Commonwealth and beyond. Togugawa-Nederhaus financial services can be found on most major worlds in all Colonies States.
trader (ship): a streamlined freighter or liner of at least 200 tons but less than 400 tons (e.g. the standard Type-A subsidized merchant which originally appeared in Traveller Book 2: Starships).
Transporte Aztlán: One of the major Empire of Aztlán interstellar carriers, Transporte Aztlán liners and freighters are common throughout Empire space and beyond. Transporte Aztlán, headquartered at Aztlán / Procyon, operates interface routes to all major Colonial States. Transporte Aztlán's origins as a freight carrier are now reflected only in its name, with full passenger services offered on all routes.
Transtellar Lines: One of the major Commonwealth interstellar carriers, Transtellar liners and freighters are common throughout Commonwealth space and beyond. Transtellar operates interface routes to all major Colonial States. Transtellar's origins trace back to a corporate charter granted during the period of early sub-light re-colonization just prior to the development of FTL drive. [From Melbourne Times #1]
Trêsmares: world in Tunghai District (2423.31) which is inhabited by an usual, integrated culture of Terrans and Meren. When the William Penn-class generation ship Jean Monnet arrived at the world its settlers originally called "Nei Bockfiels" — "Trêsmares" is the name chosen by the first Ouroran explorers to reach the world — they encountered a primitive colony of Meren, the descendants of survivors of a misjumped starship. The Jean Monnet itself had suffered a near catastrophic accident as it was decelerating into the system; while the surviving crew and colonists managed to reach the surface they did so without most of the supplies and support equipment intended to establish the colony. Within a generation the Dolphin and Human settlers themselves had also devolved into a primitive society — with substantial assistance from the Meren settlers in integrating into the local ecosphere. Over time a fully integrated Terran and Meren society developed. The Ourorans have been careful not to disrupt this society while slowly introducing the inhabitants to interstellar society. Trêsmares now exports agricultural products under the supervision of Casa Barcellos, the Ouroran scout service. Meanwhile, the Meren have repeatedly called for the Ouroran Community to turn over control of the world to them. The dispute remains unresolved but the Ourorans have allowed limited access and small numbers of inhabitants have been evacuated by the Meren. [Based on Random Development RD2-1 from Melbourne Times #2.]
Universidad de Aztlán: The major university of the Empire of Aztlán is one of the most respected educational institutions in the Colonies Sphere in the fields of engineering and technology. In addition to training cadets for the Empire's military services the Universidad de Aztlán also graduates the majority of the Empire's shipwrights and other starship industry technicians. Unlike other Aztlán universities, the UdeA does not accept students from outside the Empire. [From Melbourne Times #1]
Ui-te-Rangiora-class schooner: The Ui-te-Rangiora-class schooner is a 400-ton, jump-3 Commonwealth warship designed for customs inspections, piracy suppression and normal security patrols. Designed by General Hulls and Drives and built at shipyards across the Commonwealth, Ui-te-Rangiora-class schooners are common in border regions. At least one of the class is typically present at any frontier Navy base, either in the shipyard for repair or at base in between patrols. Because the class has been in service for many years, it is not uncommon to find surplus Ui-te-Rangiora-class schooners operated by a variety of private entities. (The Ui-te-Rangiora-class design is based upon the Lurushaar Kilaalum-class patrol ship — a variant of the standard Type-T patrol cruiser that originally appeared in Traveller Book 2: Starships, 2nd. ed. — which appears in Adventure Class Ships, Volume II.)
Vanguard ("La Vanguardia del Imperio"): The scout service of the Empire of Aztlán. The Vanguard has primary responsibility for survey of new systems and contact with new cultures. The Scouts of the Vanguard are renown throughout the Colonies Sphere for their reconnaissance skills. The Vanguard has also played a key role in Aztlán military operations throughout the Sphere. Primarily because of close association with the Aztlán military, the Vanguard has often been viewed with suspicion by most Colonial States when conducting operations on their respective worlds. Vangaurd teams are generally only fully welcomed on independent worlds which are aligned with the Empire of Aztlán.
Verch, Ivondond: Meren Autarch and leader of the Reformist Clique. Verch recently replaced Morrochai Gvo, leader of the Expansionist Clique, after it was nearly deposed in an unsuccessful coup by reactionary elements of its Clique. After coming to power, Verch moved quickly to bring the Markets War to an end.
Victoria Lines: major Nyanzan shipping line headquartered at Nyanza / Nyanza.
Vladimir Komarov: The generation ship which brought the original colonists to Novosibirskaya/Vega. Named for a 20th Century Human space explorer who was the first Human to die in a spaceflight, the Vladimir Komarov was converted into an orbital starport facility and is now commonly referred to as Soyuz One.
Wang, Alabama "Ally": archaeologist with the Ensanche Research Institute; along with her colleague Aitchsee Sandsifter, discovered the Gilgamesh-class generation ship Saladin on Livingstone/Nyanza; lost in an apparent misjump from Livingstone.
warship: a jump-capable ship intended for combat.
Waverider Lines: Theridian shipping line and financial and communications services corporation headquartered at Therid / Theridia with operations in Sirius District at Earth, Takla Makan, Van Maanen's Belt and al-Mansur.
White Dwarf Lines: independent shipping line in Sirius District headquartered at Van Maanen's Belt with operations also at Earth, Takla Makan and al-Mansur.
Winged Ram Enterprises: independent financial and communications services corporation in Pollux District headquartered at Clytemnestra with operations also at Prometheus and Hunaphu.
Wǒmen Dàole: The name of the world Wǒmen Dàole / Jagannath (1022.15) means "Here We Are" in Mandarin. [Note: "Nous Voilà" is the name of an outpost in the Wǒmen Dàole system (β Comae Berenices) in 2300 AD. (Xi Osa Mayor)]
World Data Code (WDC): Standard alphanumeric coding method developed by the Prometheus Foundation to describe the natural and societal characteristics of worlds. The WDC consists of six digits. The first three, known as the ecosphere string, identify surface gravity, atmospheric breathability and biological development. The second three digits are known as the societal string and identify sophont population magnitude, social authority and the degree of technological achievement. [From Melbourne Times #5]
Xioma: Aztlán name for Clytemnestra / Pollux (0918.14); acronym derived from the abbreviated Bayer designation ("ξ OMa" or "xi-o-ma") for the Clytemnestra system ("ξ Osa Mayor"). [Note: "Kie-Yuma" (sic) is the name of the colonized world in the Clytemnestra system (ξ Ursae Majoris or "ξ U.Ma.") in 2300 AD. (AD00 Adventurer's Guide, p. 84; AD13, pp. 30-32)]
Xiūníng: Original name of Tamin / Fomalhaut (1922.23) before it was resettled by the Commonwealth of Earth. [Note: "Xiuning" (sic) is the name of the colonized world in the Tamin system (Gliese 832) in 2300 AD. (T23 "Near Star List," p. 6)]
Yasil Mazra Kism (YMK): Roughly translated as "Reaches Farm Directorate," YMK is a major Meren agricultural production and processing concern in the Colonies Sphere with headquarters at Dedn in Europa District.
Yayōsu Zeimoto Heavy Industries (YZHI): Commonwealth manufacturing and shipbuilding corporation which also has extensive resources processing and financial services operations. Headquartered at Earth, Yayōsu Zeimoto Heavy Industries builds all classes of starships from sloops and traders to battleships at shipyards throughout the Commonwealth, on many independent worlds and on many worlds of the Abrahamic Synod.
Yóu gāo: Original name of Nouveau Terrebonne / Jagannath (0924.15) when it was first settled by the generation starship from Earth; renamed when it was resettled by the Quebecer Republic. [Note: "Hochbaden" is the name of the Nouveau Terrebonne system (BD +27° 2296) in 2300 AD. (T23 "Near Star List," p. 4; AD00 Adventurer's Guide, p. 83; AD13, pp. 41-43)]
Ysinal udi-Quinan: The major Aeroi mercantile house in Auriga district is also the largest organization of its type in the entire Colonies Sphere. From its headquarters on hvi-Unapfi, Ysinal udi-Quinan manages Aeroi investment and trade development activities throughout the Sphere. Even though a quasi-governmental agency, Ysinal udi-Quinan includes several non-Aeroi corporations among its holdings. [From Melbourne Times #1]
Zamzam Husbandry: Abrahamic Synod agricultural production and processing corporation headquartered at New Canaan / Gaea.
"Traveller: 2300 Designer's Notes,"[α] by Marc W. Miller, Challenge #27, 1988.
"The North American Research League (NARL),"[α] by Timothy B. Brown, Challenge #27, 1988.
"Traveller: 2300 Designer's Notes,"[α] by Marc W. Miller, Challenge #28, 1987.
"The Astronomischen Rechen-Institut (ARI),"[α] by Timothy B. Brown, Challenge #28, 1987.
"In the Cards,"[α] by Timothy B. Brown, Challenge #29, 1987.
"Trade in 2300," by Gary L. Thomas, Challenge #29, 1987.
"Stutterwarp Technology,"[α] by Timothy B. Brown, Challenge #30, 1987.
"Flight of the Bayern,"[α] by Rob Caswell, Challenge #30, 1987.
"L'Institut des Etudes Xenologiques (IEX),"[α] by Deb Zeigler, Challenge #30, 1987.
"Earth: 2300,"[α] by David Nilsen and Tom Peters, Challenge #31, 1987.
"Spacesuits," by Robert Bodine, Challenge #31, 1987.
"The Sung,"[α] by Deb Zeigler, Challenge #31, 1987.
"Armor in 2300,"[α] by Lester Smith, Challenge #31, 1987.
"Cayuga-Class Close Escort,"[β] by Clare W. Hess, Challenge #32, 1988.
"Papers and Passports," by Kevin Stein, Challenge #32, 1988.
"The Xiang,"[α] by Deb Zeigler, Challenge #32, 1988.
"Davout,"[α] by Clay Johanson, Challenge #33, 1988.
"Lone Wolf,"[β] by David C. Nilsen, Challenge #33, 1988.
"North America, 2300,"[α] by Timothy B. Brown, Challenge #33, 1988.
"Stutterwarp Revisited,"[α] by Lester W. Smith, Challenge #33, 1988.
"Instituto Nacional De Astronomia Practica (INAP)," by Dave Finnigan, Challenge #34, 1988.
"Ogre: 2300,"[α] by Lester W. Smith and Frank Chadwick, Challenge #34, 1988.
"The 2300 AD Revision,"[α] by Lester W. Smith, Challenge #34, 1988.
"Thorez-class Courier,"[β] by Clare W. Hess, Challenge #34, 1988.
"A World Invaded,"[β] by Clare W. Hess and Mike A. Bozulich, Challenge #35, 1988.
"Devil in the Dark,"[β] by Pete Rogan, Challenge #36, 1988.
"The Anatomy of a Missile," by Karl Bergman, Challenge #36, 1988.
"Three Blind Mice,"[β] by David C. Nilsen, Challenge #37, 1989.
"Star Cruiser Power," by Clare W. Hess, Challenge #38, 1989.
"The American Marines,"[β] by Clare W. Hess, Challenge #39, 1989.
"The French Lieutenant's Connection,"[α] by Marcus L. Rowland, Challenge #39, 1989.
"GDW System Overview: 2300AD," Challenge #40, 1989.
"Cellular Launcher," by Carl A. Bergman, Challenge #40, 1989.
"Anatomy of a Space Mine," by Karl A. Bergman, Challenge #40, 1989.
"M17A1 Armored Personnel Carrier,"[β] by Clare W. Hess, Challenge #40, 1989.
"Riding the Wave: New Equipment for Cyberpunk Adventures,"[α] by Lester W. Smith, Challenge #40, 1989.
"The Stahlhammer: German Utility Starship," by Karl Martin, Challenge #40, 1989.
"Macrocombat," by David Nilsen, Challenge #41, 1989.
"The Sweet Trade in Space: Piracy,"[β] by Erick Melton, Challenge #41, 1989.
"AV-90 Marine VTOL,"[β] by Clare W. Hess, Challenge #42, 1990.
"Italy: 2300,"[α] by Mark Galeotti, Challenge #42, 1990.
"Leathernecks on Aurore,"[β] by Clare W. Hess, Challenge #42, 1990.
"Manhunt,"[α] by Mark Galeotti, Challenge #42, 1990.
"Where Ya From, Mack?,"[β] by Clare W. Hess, Challenge #42, 1990.
"American Extrasolar Colonization Administration (AECA),"[α] by Clay Johanson, Challenge #43, 1990.
"L-5: Community in the Sky,"[α] by Pete Rogan, Challenge #43, 1990.
"New Cyber Equipment,"[α] by Michael C. LaBossiere, Challenge #43, 1990.
"Where Ya From, Mate?,"[β] by Clare W. Hess, Challenge #43, 1990.
"Black Market,"[α] by Matthew S. Prager, Challenge #44, 1990.
"Highland,"[α] by Clay Johanson, Challenge #44, 1990.
"Social Class in 2300,"[β] by Andy Slack, Challenge #44, 1990.
"Catch & Carry Team,"[β] by Erick Melton, Challenge #45, 1990.
"Hot Stuff,"[α] by Matthew S. Prager, Challenge #45, 1990.
"Contagion," by Richard S. McEnroe, Challenge #46, 1990.
"New Attack Programs for Cyberjockeys,"[α] by Markku Honkonen, Challenge #47, 1990.
"We're Going Where?: Naval Reservists in 2300," by Richard S. McEnroe, Challenge #48, 1991.
"Operation Back Door: Episode 1"[γ] (and "Prologue"[γ]), by Charles E. Gannon, Challenge #49, 1991.
"Operation Back Door: Episode 2,"[γ] by Charles E. Gannon, Challenge #50, 1991.
"The Ylii,"[γ] by Charles E. Gannon, Challenge #50, 1991.
"Operation Back Door: Episode 3"[γ] (and "Data Annex"[γ]), by Charles E. Gannon, Challenge #51, 1991.
"Operation Back Door: Episode 4," by Charles E. Gannon, Challenge #52, 1991.
"Wired Society,"[β] by Andy Slack, Challenge #53, 1991.
"Master Race,"[α] by Craig Sheeley, Challenge #54, 1991.
"Motorcycles,"[α] by Jay Adan, Challenge #55, 1991.
"SAMN: Spacelanes Activity Monitoring Network,"[β] by Erick Melton, Challenge #56, 1991.
"Cache and Carry,"[β] by Andy Slack, Challenge #57, 1991.
"Skill Levels: Just How Good is Sidearm-5, Anyway?,"[β] by Andy Slack, Challenge #58, 1992.
"Rock 'n' Roll Never Dies,"[α] by Michael C. LaBossiere, Challenge #59, 1992.
"X-Wing Down,"[β] by Clare W. Hess, Challenge #60, 1992.
"This is Only a Test,"[α] by Michael C. LaBossiere, Challenge #61, 1992.
"Catch as Catch Can,"[β] by Erick Melton, Challenge #62, 1992.
"Into the Depths,"[α] by Michael C. LaBossiere, Challenge #63, 1992.
"Jacked In,"[β] by Matthew S. Prager, Challenge #63, 1992.
"Drifter,"[α] by Michael C. LaBossiere, Challenge #64, 1992.
"One Of Us Always Stays Awake,"[β] by Andy Slack, Challenge #65, 1992.
"Diamonds from Premiere,"[β] by Andy Slack, Challenge #66, 1992.
"Old Enemies,"[α] by Michael C. LaBossiere, Challenge #67, 1992.
"Bug Out,"[α] by Craig Sheeley, Challenge #68, 1993.
"Repo Men,"[β] by Andy Slack, Challenge #69, 1993.
"Gorgon Hunt,"[β] by Andy Slack, Challenge #70, 1993.
"Stowaway,"[β] by Andy Slack, Challenge #71, 1993.
"Bioadversity,"[β] by Andy Slack, Challenge #72, 1994.
"The Edge of Memory,"[β] by Matthew S. Prager, Challenge #73, 1994.
"Survival Course,"[α] by Paul Lucas, Challenge #74, 1994.