Adjure: an Œcological ability which enables a thaumaturgist to send thoughts to an animal, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer. With exceptional ability Adjure can be used to compel an animal to a specific action.
Æolipile engine: A thaumaturgical steam-and-ætheron-powered engine used to propel airships, submarines and auto-mobiles (cf. æolipile). An æolipile engine can only be crafted by a thaumaturgical Artificer and must be operated by a thaumaturgist with Dynamise ability.
Ætheron: A recently-discovered noble gas used as the thaumaturgical lifting agent in airships, as the thaumaturgical power source for pulsed-energy Rousseau guns and as the thaumaturgical propellant in æolipile engines (cf. oganesson, radon and Ætheron and Thaumaturgy).
Afghanistan: see Durrani Afghanistan.
Alberta: A district of Canada's North-West Territories; most of Alberta is claimed by the Plateau Confederacy.
Assiniboia: A district of Canada's North-West Territories; most of Assiniboia is claimed by the Northern Plains Confederacy.
Athabasca: A district of Canada's North-West Territories; the southern border with the Northern Plains Confederacy remains poorly defined.
Antecognition: a Special ability which enables a thaumaturgist to perceive past events, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
Apprehend: an Empathetic ability which enables a thaumaturgist to read the thoughts of another person, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
Armistice of Harper’s Ferry (1863): Armistice, brokered by Britain, ending the American Civil War. Agreed on September 6, 1863, the armistice was designed to "ensure a complete cessation of hostilities and of all acts of armed force until a final peaceful settlement is achieved." Under the armistice, the Confederate States agreed to abolish slavery and the United States agreed to recognize the independence of the Confederacy. Though there has not since been a formal reinstatement of hostilities, a peace treaty has yet to be concluded largely due to ongoing disputes over potential alliances of either nation with (primarily European) nations outside the Americas and claims over the remnants of the Oklahoma ("Indian") Territory (1834), the remnants of the Minnesota Territory, the Utah Territory (1850), the New Mexico Territory (1850), the Kansas Territory (1854), the Nebraska Territory (1854), the Washington Territory (1853), the Colorado Territory (1861), the Dakota Territory (1861), the Nevada Territory (1861), the disputed (1862) Arizona Territory (1863) and the Idaho Territory (1863).
Artifice: a Special ability which enables a thaumaturgist to craft thaumaturgical substances and devices using ætheron. A thaumaturgist with such ability is known as an "Artificer."
Assault: a Special ability which enables a thaumaturgist to mentally attack another person, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
Awadh: a nominally subject nation of the Mughal Empire but in actuality a tributary state of Maratha Bharat.
Bengal: a nominally subject nation of the Mughal Empire but in actuality a tributary state of Maratha Bharat.
Blast: a Special ability which enables a thaumaturgist to operate a Rousseau gun, an ætheron-enabled firearm or light artillery piece.
Break: an Impetuous ability which enables a thaumaturgist to break, shatter or crush a physical object, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
Buffalo Pact: treaty between the Great Basin Confederacy, the Great Range Confederacy, the Northern Plains Confederacy, the Plateau Confederacy and the Southern Plains Confederacy establishing an extensive inter-confederacy reserve range for buffalo and a joint regime to manage internal buffalo husbandry and external buffalo trade. When the pact was established some observers — and even a few principals involved in the negotiations — had hoped it might lead to broader integration among the five Confederacies and perhaps eventually to the establishment of a single, pan-Confederacy government but this outcome is now considered to be unlikely. Nevertheless, the pact has proved generally successful in halting the decline of buffalo populations throughout the region.
Buoyancy: a Special ability which enables a thaumaturgist to operate a buoyantiare, the ætheron-enabled device used to generate lift in an airship. (A separate device, typically an æolipile engine, is required to provide airship propulsion.)
Buoyantaire: an ætheron-enabled device used to stimulate the lifting gas in an airship gasbag, thereby providing lift. A buoyantaire can only be crafted by a thaumaturgical Artificer and must be operated by a thaumaturgist with buoyancy ability.
Burma: a European misnomer for Konbaung Myanmar.
California Republic: Independent state established in the northwestern region of the formerly joint Mexican-American-controlled Alta California with capital at Sacramento. The Republic includes an Indigenous population which has a degree of internal autonomy. (The borders of California are approximately those of northern California excluding the southern region which would have been the Territory of Colorado, with the southern border being generally defined by the borders between Monterey, Kings, Tulare and Inyo counties, on the north, and San Luis Obispo, Kern and San Bernardino counties, on the south. The eastern border with the Great Basin Confederacy remains poorly defined.)
Canadian Pacific Railway: a Canadian government-backed company charged with building a railroad from Ontario to New Caledonia, as part of a transcontinental railroad. Delayed by opposition from the Northern Plains Confederacy and the Plateau Confederacy, the railroad was unsuccessful even in crossing Manitoba and was abandoned after the establishment of the Free City of Victoria. See Central Pacific Rail Road and Union Pacific Rail Road.
Central Pacific Rail Road: a United States government-backed company charged with building a railroad from California to Iowa, as part of a transcontinental railroad. Delayed by the Civil War, continued uncertainty after the Armistice and opposition from the Great Basin Confederacy, the railroad was unsuccessful even in reaching the Nevada Territory and was abandoned after the establishment of the California Republic and the Oregon Republic. See Canadian Pacific Railway and Union Pacific Rail Road.
Chill: an Alchemical ability which enables a thaumaturgist to cool something, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
Condense: an Alchemical ability which enables a thaumaturgist to turn a gaseous material into liquid form, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
Conceal: an Empathetic ability which enables a thaumaturgist to protect themselves or another person from the thaumaturgical abilities apprehend, convey, emote, empathise or lifesign using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
Convey: an Empathetic ability which enables a thaumaturgist to send thoughts to another person, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer. With exceptional ability Convey can be used to compel another person to a specific action.
Coyote Combine: a state-sponsored company charged with developing sources of ætheron in the Plateau Confederacy.
Danshaku: fifth rank noble title in the Empire of Japan and, in some instances, also in the Hawai Protectorate.
Deccan, the: a nominally subject nation of the Mughal Empire but in actuality a tributary state of Maratha Bharat.
Desublime: an Alchemical ability which enables a thaumaturgist to turn a gaseous material into solid form, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
Durrani Afghanistan: nation in central Asia south of the central Asian khanates (Khwarazm, Bukhara and Kokand), northeast of the Turkmen-Khorasan Mountains and the Balochistan Desert (and Qajar Iran), northwest of the Indus-Ganges Plain (and the Mughal Empire) and west of the Tarim Basin and the Tibetan Plateau (and the Dzungar Khanate).
Dynamise: a Alchemical ability which enables a thaumaturgist to operate an æolipile engine, the steam-and-ætheron-enabled device used to propel airships, submarines and auto-mobiles.
Dzungar Khanate (aka "Dzungaria"): nation in central Asia southeast of the Tarbagatai Mountains (and the Russian Empire), southwest of the Altai Mountains and west of the Gobi Desert and the Hengduan Mountains (and the Qing Empire), northwest of the northern Irrawaddy Basin (and Konbaung Myanmar), northeast of the Indus-Ganges Plain (and the Mughal Empire), and east of the Karakoram Mountains and Pamir Mountains (and Durrani Afghanistan).
Electroception: a Sentient ability which enables a thaumaturgist to sense electric fields, including at a remote location, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
Emote: an Empathetic ability which enables a thaumaturgist to send feelings and emotions to a person, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer. With exceptional ability Emote can be used to compel another person to a general action.
Empathise: an Empathetic ability which enables a thaumaturgist to detect feelings and emotions in a person or animal, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
Enhance: a Kinæsthetic ability which enables a thaumaturgist to temporarily increase their own or another person's characteristic or attribute, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
Entice: an Œcological ability which enables a thaumaturgist to send feelings and emotions to an animal, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer. With exceptional ability Entice can be used to compel an animal to a general action.
Expansiveness: a Sentient ability which enables a thaumaturgist to sense the most rudimentary characteristics of a remote location, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
Explode: an Impetuous ability which enables a thaumaturgist to destroy a physical object by causing it to explode, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
Find: a Sentient ability which enables a thaumaturgist to detect the location of an object, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
Free City of Victoria: see Victoria, Free City of.
Ghost Shirt: Name for garments worn by some thaumaturgists with the Push Ability in the Great Basin Confederacy, the Northern Plains Confederacy and the Plateau Confederacy mistakenly believed to be able to deflect bullets (which are actually deflected by the thaumaturgists themselves using their Ability).
Great Basin Confederacy: independent polity established by Paiute, Shoshone, Ute and other Indigenous Peoples in territory claimed by the United States in the northern Great Basin (including portions of the former Utah Territory, Washington Territory, Colorado Territory, Nevada Territory and Idaho Territory), with capital at Timpanogas. The northern border with the Plateau Confederacy, the western border with the Oregon Republic and the California Republic, the eastern border with the Northern Plains Confederacy and the southern border with the Great Range Confederacy remain poorly defined.
Great Range Confederacy: independent polity established by Southern Athabaskan, Pueblo, Yavapai and other Indigenous Peoples in territory formerly claimed by Mexico (including Alta California and western Nuevo México) and the United States in the Colorado River Basin (including portions of the former Nevada Territory, Colorado Territory, New Mexico Territory and Arizona Territory), with capital at Tségháhoodzání. The northern border with the Great Basin Confederacy, the western border with Qīng Jiāzhōu, the eastern border with the Southern Plains Confederacy and the southern border with Mexico remain poorly defined.
Gujarat: a nominally subject nation of the Mughal Empire but in actuality a tributary state of Maratha Bharat.
Harm: a Kinæsthetic ability which enables a thaumaturgist to cause injury or illness to another person, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
Hawai Protectorate: Japanese colony established in the Hawai'ian Islands, with capital at Honolulu.
Heal: a Kinæsthetic ability which enables a thaumaturgist to heal an injury or illness in themselves or another person, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer. At extreme levels of ability, Heal may be used to age a person.
Husbandry: an Œcological ability which enables a thaumaturgist to heal an injury or illness in plants and animals, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer. At extreme levels of ability, Husbandry may be used to age or grow an animal or plant.
Ignite: an Alchemical ability which enables a thaumaturgist to set something on fire, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
Implode: an Impetuous ability which enables a thaumaturgist to destroy a physical object by causing it to collapse in on itself, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
India: a European misnomer for Maratha Bharat or the Mughal Empire.
Iran: see Qajar Iran.
Karnatak Sultanate: a nominally subject nation of the Mughal Empire but in actuality a tributary state of Maratha Bharat.
Konbaung Myanmar: nation in southeast Asia east of the eastern Indus-Ganges Plain (and the Mughal Empire), southeast of the eastern Himalaya Mountains (and the Dzungar Khanate), southwest of the Qing Empire and northwest of the Daen Lao Mountains (and the Kingdom of Siam).
Lahore: a nominally subject nation of the Mughal Empire but in actuality a tributary state of Maratha Bharat.
Levitate: an Impetuous ability which enables a thaumaturgist to lift a physical object, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
Lifesign: an Empathetic ability which enables a thaumaturgist to detect the presence of another person or animal, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
Lightning: an Œcological ability which enables a thaumaturgist to manipulate naturally-occurring lightning, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
Listen: a Sentient ability which enables a thaumaturgist to listen to a remote location, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
Magnetoception: a Sentient ability which enables a thaumaturgist to sense magnetic fields, including at a remote location, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
Flag of the Maratha Empire
Maratha Bharat: large nation in South Asia which is nominally subject to the Mughal Empire though practically speaking is sovereign over the entire region east of the Iranian plateau (and Qajar Iran), southeast of the Hindu Kush mountains (and Durrani Afghanistan), southwest of the Himalaya mountains (and the Dzungar Khanate) and west of the Arakan mountains (and Konbaung Myanmar), including all of the Mughal Empire's nominally subject states. The Mughal Empire consulate in Victoria represents the interests of Maratha Bharat.
Melt: an Alchemical ability which enables a thaumaturgist to turn a solid material into liquid form, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
Metamorphose: a Special ability which enables a thaumaturgist to transform the physical form of themselves or another person into the physical form of another living creature, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer. The metamorphosis gives the transformed person the capabilities of the new form (e.g. using gills to be able to breath underwater). Typically, the transformation must be to a form of similar mass — though not necessarily similar shape — as the person being transformed but metamorphosis to forms of greater or lesser mass is possible with greater levels of ability.
Mimic: an Empathetic ability which enables a thaumaturgist to make themselves or another person appear — look, sound, feel, etc. — like something else (including a background), using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer. (This ability affects the perception of an observer rather than the physical form of the person who is its object.)
Flag of the Mughal Empire
Mughal Empire (aka "Hindustan"): large nation in South Asia originating in the Indus-Ganges Plain which is formally sovereign over the entire region east of the Iranian plateau (and Qajar Iran), southeast of the Hindu Kush mountains (and Durrani Afghanistan), southwest of the Himalaya mountains (and the Dzungar Khanate) and west of the Arakan mountains (and Konbaung Myanmar), though practically speaking its nominally subject nations are autonomous tributary states of Maratha Bharat. The Mughal Empire maintains a consulate in Victoria which represents the interests of all its nominally subject states, including Maratha Bharat.
Multan: a nominally subject nation of the Mughal Empire but in actuality a tributary state of Maratha Bharat.
Myanmar: see Konbaung Myanmar.
Mysore: a nominally subject nation of the Mughal Empire but in actuality a tributary state of Maratha Bharat.
Flag of New Caledonia
New Caledonia: Canadian territory in those regions of the former British colony of British Columbia not incorporated into the Plateau Confederacy, with capital at New Westminster. The Canadian territory includes an Indigenous population which has a degree of internal autonomy.
Northern Plains Confederacy: Independent polity established by Indigenous Peoples in territory claimed by Canada in the Canadian Prairies (including Assiniboia and Saskatchewan) and by the United States in the northern Great Plains (including portions of the former Minnesota Territory, Utah Territory, Nebraska Territory, Colorado Territory, Dakota Territory and Idaho Territory), with capital at Fort Laramie. The northern border with Canada's Athabasca, the eastern border with the United States, the southern border with the Southern Plains Confederacy and the western border with the Plateau Confederacy (and Canada's Alberta) remain poorly defined.
Nourish: a Kinæsthetic ability which enables a thaumaturgist to provide necessary sustenance to themselves or another person, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
Olfaction: a Sentient ability which enables a thaumaturgist to smell a remote location, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
Flag of the Oregon Republic
Oregon Republic: Independent state established in the western portions of the former United State state of Oregon and territory of Washington, with capital at Salem. The Republic includes an Indigenous population which has a degree of internal autonomy.
Payipwât: a Cree leader of the Northern Plains Confederacy who led opposition to the Canadian Pacific Railway.
Persia: a European misnomer for Qajar Iran.
Plateau Confederacy: Independent polity established by Chinook, Interior Salish, Sahaptin and other Indigenous Peoples in territory claimed by Canada (including New Caledionia and Alberta) and the United States (including portions of the former Washington Territory and Idaho Territory) in the inland portions of the Fraser and the Columbia River basins and the Snake River Plain, with capital at Spokane. The western border with the Oregon Republic and with New Caledonia, the eastern border with the Northern Plains Confederacy and the southern border with the Great Basin Confederacy remain poorly defined — the Plateau Confederacy claims most of Alberta. There are ætheron mining sites to the east and farther southeast of Kelowna operated by the Coyote Combine.
Præcognition: a Special ability which enables a thaumaturgist to perceive potential future events, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
Pull: an Impetuous ability which enables a thaumaturgist to attract a physical object, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
Push: an Impetuous ability which enables a thaumaturgist to repel a physical object, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
Flag of Qajar Iran
Qajar Iran: large nation in Southwest Asia on the Iranian Plateau, east of the Zagros Mountains (and the Ottoman Empire), south of the Caspian Sea (and the Russian Empire), southwest of the Turkmen-Khorasan Mountains and the Balochistan Desert (and Durrani Afghanistan) and west of the Indus-Ganges Plain (and the Mughal Empire). Qajar Iran maintains a consulate in Victoria.
Qīng Jiāzhōu (aka "Qīng California"): Qīng colony established in the southwestern region of the formerly joint Mexican-American-controlled Alta California, with capital at Xīn Guǎngzhōu, formerly San Diego. The Qīng colony includes an Indigenous population which has a degree of internal autonomy. (The borders of Qīng Jiāzhōu are approximately those of what would have been the Territory of Colorado, with the northern border being generally defined by the borders between San Luis Obispo, Kern and San Bernardino counties, on the south, and Monterey, Kings, Tulare and Inyo counties, on the north. The eastern border with the Great Range Confederacy remains poorly defined.)
Qīng-Nihon War, First: war between the Qing Empire and the Japanese Empire.
Qīng-Nihon War, Second: war between the Qing Empire and the Japanese Empire; Japan gains control of Hawai'i.
Reap: an Œcological ability which enables a thaumaturgist to detect and locate a plant, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
Rejunvenaire: an ætheron-enabled device used to renew the breathable air in submarine. A rejunvenaire can only be crafted by a thaumaturgical Artificer and must be operated by a thaumaturgist with rejuvenate ability.
Rejuvenate: a Alchemical ability which enables a thaumaturgist to operate a rejunvenaire, the ætheron-enabled device used to renew the breathable air in submarine. (A separate device, typically an æolipile engine, is required to provide submarine propulsion.)
Rockslide: an Œcological ability which enables a thaumaturgist to manipulate mineral substances, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer. With exceptional ability Rockslide can be used to manipulate metals which have been forged or otherwise crafted into objects.
Rousseau gun: A pulsed-energy weapon which uses ætheron as a thaumaturgical power source. Invented by Victor Rousseau, a British scientist-engineer. Rousseau guns are typically firearms but larger versions have begun to appear, mostly as craft- and vehcile-mounted artillery. A Rousseau gun must be operated by a thaumaturgist with Blast ability.
Flag of Russkaya Alyáska
Russkaya Alyáska: Russian territory on the northern Pacific coast of North America, with capital at Novo Arkhangelsk. The Russian colony includes an Indigenous population which has a degree of internal autonomy. There is an ætheron mining site on Taan Island in the Alexander Archipelago operated by the Russian-American Company.
Russian-American Company ("Rossiyskaya-Amerikanskaya Kompaniya"): formally the Russian-American Company Under the High Patronage of His Imperial Majesty, a Russian state-sponsored chartered company, headquartered in Novo Arkhangelsk, charged with commercial activities in Russkaya Alyáska and throughout western North America. The Company operates an ætheron mining site on Taan Island in the Alexander Archipelago.
Saskatchewan: A district of Canada's North-West Territories; most of Saskatchewan is claimed by the Northern Plains Confederacy.
Shield: a Special ability which enables a thaumaturgist to protect themselves or another person from a thaumaturgical assault, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer
Sindh: a nominally subject nation of the Mughal Empire but in actuality a tributary state of Maratha Bharat.
Sleep: a Kinæsthetic ability which enables a thaumaturgist to temporarily place themselves or another person into an unresponsive state which reduces all life functions to an extreme minimum, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
Solidify: an Alchemical ability which enables a thaumaturgist to turn a liquid material into solid form, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
Southern Plains Confederacy: independent polity established by Indigenous Peoples in territory claimed by Mexico (including eastern Alta California and Nuevo México) and by the United States (including portions of the Oklahoma Territory, Utah Territory, New Mexico Territory, Kansas Territory and Colorado Territory) in the southern Great Plains, with capital at Santa Fe. The northern border with the Northern Plains Confederacy, the southern border with Mexico and the Confederate States, the western border with the Great Range Confederacy and the eastern border with the United States remain poorly defined.
Sublimate: an Alchemical ability which enables a thaumaturgist to turn a solid material into gaseous form, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
Summon: an Œcological ability which enables a thaumaturgist to detect and attract an animal (or cause it to flee), using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
Tactility: a Sentient ability which enables a thaumaturgist to have a tactile sense of a remote location, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer. (This ability is distinct from Thermoception.)
Thaumaturgy: An emerging applied science employed to accomplish practical goals using scientific principles and natural phenomenon which are not yet well understood (cf. Ætheron and Thaumaturgy).
Thermoception: a Sentient ability which enables a thaumaturgist to sense temperature (heat or cold) at a remote location, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
Union Pacific Rail Road: a United States government-backed company charged with building a railroad from Iowa to California, as part of a transcontinental railroad. Delayed by the Civil War, continued uncertainty after the Armistice and opposition from the Northern Plains Confederacy, the railroad was unsuccessful even in crossing the Nebraska Territory and was abandoned after the establishment of the California Republic and the Oregon Republic. See Canadian Pacific Railway and Central Pacific Rail Road.
Vancouver Island Company: an independent, formerly Canadian state-sponsored chartered company, headquartered in Victoria, charged with commercial activities in those regions of the former British colony of Vancouver Island not incorporated into the Free City of Victoria. These territories include an Indigenous population which has a degree of internal autonomy.
Vaporise: an Alchemical ability which enables a thaumaturgist to turn a liquid material into gaseous form, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
Victoria, Free City of: an independent, merchant city at Camosun (or "Camosack") on the southern tip of Vancouver Island, former capital of the former British colony of Vancouver Island. Most of the Island is managed by the Vancouver Island Company under charter from the Free City. The Free City also operates a naval port which provides basing and maintenance service to warships from multiple countries.
View: a Sentient ability which enables a thaumaturgist to view a remote location, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
Warm: an Alchemical ability which enables a thaumaturgist to heat something, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer.
Wave: an Œcological ability which enables a thaumaturgist to manipulate water, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer. With exceptional ability Wave can be used to transform water into ice or steam.
Wind: an Œcological ability which enables a thaumaturgist to manipulate the air, using an ætheron-infused artifact — an amulet, wand or other talisman — crafted by an Artificer. With exceptional ability Wind can be used to create a vacuum or an overpressure shock wave.
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