John F. Carr's Hostigos.com is the home of the Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen sequels from our favorite Piper editor and biographer. St. Bonaventure University hosts the John F. Carr Collection of material donated by Mr. Carr and includes edited drafts of his works, correspondence, unpublished short stories and novellas, promotional material for published works, and published books and magazines.
The H. Beam Piper Memorial Site, founded by Dennis Frank and John F. Carr, intends "to encourage new works in the tradition of H. Beam Piper and to reissue most of his work in quality hardcover editions for future generations to enjoy."
Dennis Frank's Lord Kalvan site is dedicated to the Paratime novel and includes extensive notes, a map of the region where the novel is set, and photos from various locations depicted in the novel.
This is also the place where you can view photos of the 2004 Muster of Piper Irregulars, a gathering of Piper fans in central Pennsylvania to celebrate the centennial of Beam's birth and the sixtieth anniversary of Calvin Morrison's paratemporal transposition to Hostigos. The 2008 Muster (see Irregulars Tom, Dennis, Bill (foreground), John, David, Mike, and Fred at the Waffle Shop in State College) came two decades after the now defunct Penn State Science Fiction Society sponsored an H. Beam Piper convention in State College — where an annual science-fiction convention had long been named for Piper's Paratime — attended by Jerry Pournelle and John F. Carr. The following year, Piper fan David Hines reported on the 2009 Muster.
John Anderson, described by John Carr as "the Dean of Piper studies" and a long-time producer of in-depth interpretations of Piper background materials, collects and expands this material at The H. Beam Piper Research Project.
Project Gutenberg's collection of H. Beam Piper works now in the public domain (including some audio editions). Greg Weeks, who deserves the gratitude of Piper fans for the key role he played in making these Piper works available at Project Gutenberg, provides the original Piper works which are now in the public domain.
The Atlanta Radio Theater Company has produced several productions of adapted Piper works. Daniel Taylor's adaptation of "Omnilingual" (2016 archive) was performed at LibertyCon 22 on July 11, 2009, and at DragonCon on September 6, 2009. Ron N. Butler's adaptation of "Time and Time Again" was performed at LibertyCon 23 on July 10, 2010, and at DragonCon on September 5, 2010. Ron N. Butler's adaptation of "He Walked Around the Horses" (2016 archive) was performed at LibertyCon 24 on July 16, 2011. Ron N. Butler's adaptation of Lone Star Planet (2016 archive) was performed at LibertyCon 26 on June 29, 2013.
The Florida Association for Nucleation and Conventions (F.A.N.A.C.) shares this Lord Kalvan cosplayer who won an honorable mention for "Most Authentic" costume at the 1969 WorldCon in St. Louis. The Boston Globe reports on the Arisia Masquerade at the 2015 Arisa convention where child cosplayers dressed as a Fuzzy and a Landprawn (image served by the Wayback Machine).
Goodreads' H. Beam Piper page.
SFFaudio's collection of Librivox's and other audiobook versions of Piper's works now in the public domain.
Other H. Beam Piper links:
Please let us know if you create (or find) another Piper Page that should be listed here.
Other speculative fiction links
(in no particular order, and not necessarily Piper-related)
Written fiction
"They Are Not Ghosts: On the Representation of the Indigenous Peoples of North America in Science-Fiction & Fantasy" by Maureen Kincaid Speller, A Dribble of Ink (weblog), April 2014.
John G. Hemry, whose story "Swords and Saddles" (archived by the Internet Archive), published in Analog, April 2010, "echoes the Lord Kalvan stories with an alternate history set in North America."
Roy Peter Clark's 1987 essay (archived by the Internet Archive) about his search for "Blake Savage" (Harold L. Goodwin), author of the 1952 young adult novel Rip Foster Rides the Gray Planet.
Michael McCollum, whose novella "Duty, Honor, Planet" (archived by the Internet Archive), published in Analog, April 1979, presaged "Star Wars" ballistic missile defense, has also written the Paratime-like novel A Greater Infinity
Zarthani.net's tribute to Ace's "Pirate" Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Zarthani.net's tribute to Isaac Asimov's original "Foundation" stories.
Michael Smith's Ace Cover Image Library:
F-series singles (includes Piper's Space Viking, The Cosmic Computer, and Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen)
D-series doubles (includes Piper's and McGuire's Crisis in 2140 and A Planet for Texans)
Terry Gibbons' VISCO: The Visual Index of Science Fiction Cover Art (archived by Galactic Central) includes cover art for the original publication of Piper's "Last Enemy," "Temple Trouble," "Day of the Moron," Null-ABC, "Time Crime," "Omnilingual," Space Viking, "Gunpowder God," and "Down Styphon!"
Timothy Anderson's Star Wars Pulp Anthology
Ricardo Bellver's statue El Ángel Caído (The Fallen Angel).
Film and Television